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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


fbi watching Anonymous 8897[Reply]

what are the site's connections to the fbi or some other higher authority? i've never modded an imageboard site so i don't know the process, but when blatantly illegal shit gets posted here, after the mods cleanses that presence out of public view, do those people get tipped off to the fbi or some other place? what's the process when that stuff happens?

do you reckon it's the same people continuously posting that material to the cafe, that if a few were somehow rid, then the website would be a lot cleaner. Or do you reckon there's unfortunately a lot of people who want to ruin this website, so ridding the problem of illegal shit will always be a constant problem for the mods?

Anonymous 8898

It's usually reported to FBI, yes.


Thread request thread Anonymous Admin 5610[Reply]

As requested, as long as image uploads are still being sabotaged by the CSAM spammer, I'm going to be posting new threads for you if you post ITT. For the OP image you can either post a link or if you don't specify an image I will use a random one. This is only a temporary measure for this weekend. Thank you so much for your patience, as always.
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Anonymous 7309


where can i post about jerma pls

Anonymous 7310

Take a guess dumbass. On /media/, check the catalog and make a Jerma thread if there isn't one already

Anonymous 7312


sorry, thank you

Anonymous 8782

Is there any art/drawings thread? There seems to be a few scattered throughout the boards.

Anonymous 8854

I’d like to see a group drawing thread where we can draw together


Board suggestions and feature requests Anonymous Admin 9[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss future improvements.

Current topics:
Should crystal.cafe remain as our domain or does anyone have a better idea?

Staff titles (Admin, Moderator, Janitor) can be replaced with custom titles. Please suggest some if you like.
504 posts and 57 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 9775

Please add a search bar! Ctrl+F is ass when there are dozens of results, it's already hard to see all the hits and even if I do I have to read 34 opening posts to make sure they aren't the exact thing I want to talk about

Anonymous 9998


Should radfems be celibate or should they have as much kids as possible and teach them how to be radfems, including moidlings.

I think that if we cant get rid of them, we should outbreed them but I don't want to breed with a moid or take care of many children on my own.

Anonymous 9999

She is not trustworthy, she has made it clear that she dated a p*do male and finds nothing wrong with it.
You can be right on a podcast but not right in your other morals though. Just have your wits about you when you're listening to someone like that.

Anonymous 10141

Yeah. I am fucking tired of men wanting to be women. It’s already hard for us.

Anonymous 10814

I love you all


Discord Anonymous Admin 364[Reply]

Our Discord mods will enable and disable Discord invitations as needed whenever they experience too much workload in verifying new members or when there's an influx of trolls. They will edit this post whenever anything happens.

Current status as of November 15th, 2018:

141 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous Admin 2552

For the time being I'm not going to make or encourage any group chats.

Anonymous 2629

Can we get any new discord invites?

Anonymous Admin 2631

I deleted the server a long time ago and don't have any plans of making a new one. Sorry.

Anonymous 2702

>Discord has never not ruined an online community
This. I don't know a single general on /vg/ that hasn't gone to shit because people decided the gen needed a discord server

Anonymous 7364


Can we get an app or something? Anonymous 2381[Reply]

I usually browse this site on mobile, and it's not very good on mobile

Pic unrelated

Anonymous 2395

I'll let management know

Anonymous Admin 2407

Our new platform will be much better for mobile browsing. It should be ready in a few weeks.

Anonymous 6946

Are you sure about that?

Anonymous 6947


Anonymous 3958[Reply]

what is wrong with /b/? i get that it's the random board, but the recent quality of threads has been especially low. a lot of the op's could go in the shower thoughts thread instead.
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Anonymous 3961

I’ve been wondering the same. My initial thought was that it was all one anon spamming the board but I guess the jannies would’ve done something about it by now. Regardless, even though I enjoy how chil the CC mods are compared to LC, I feel like they should crack down on low quality posts even if they’re not necessarily inappropriate or against the rules. At least redirect the users to the proper threads.

Anonymous 3966

I think it's one person and hope they're okay tbh

Anonymous Admin 4025

Sorry, there is indeed a very, very dedicated poster running around making all the disjointed schizo threads. They're also very dedicated to ban evading, so we're just playing whack-a-mole until they get bored.

Anonymous 6758

> be male
> come across site for female users
> sweaty hands touch keyboard
> avatarfag x100 samefag x1000000
> sit in dark, empty room
another day well spent anons

Anonymous 6797

>be male
>come across women's website
>hm, i think i should spam interracial porn and a suspicious link that literally no one will ever click
>this website that discusses women's issues, relationships, and mental health will SURELY give a shit!


Anonymous 3381[Reply]

So just wondering how many of us are cross posters or lurkers on the magic man image board (wont say name to avoid causing problems here).
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Anonymous 3384

But why are you posting there? I can't see the appeal considering
its not for women and how misogynistic the user-base can be.

Anonymous 3385

Yeah, posting on their board isn’t going to make them fall in love with OP. What’s the point.

Anonymous 3387


yeah sometimes, i'm an occasional mahou shounen enjoyer..autism is entertaining.

Anonymous 3389


i lurk but i don't post because it isn't my place

Anonymous 3391

i lurk but i don't post there. i just like reading the stuff on there


So, what about a board dedicated only to interests/hobbies? Anonymous 6083[Reply]

Hobby/interests threads get posted on /b/ and die in a day as pinkpill/terfposting/low-effort questions are constantly bumped. What if CC got a new board only for hobbies, no moid problems, no trannies, no "tfw no bf"? Pic unrelated
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Anonymous 6163

>They would be buried in /b threads and hardly anyone is actually going to browse b to find their own respective hobby threads!!
Search /media/ first before going onto /b/. If the thread you created gets buried re-bump it again I guess, but if you haven't gotten any replies or only gotten 1-2 you wouldn't get any more interaction than that on a new board anyway. The only time buried threads get a lot of activity is when someone says something provocative and it starts an argument.
>How hard can it be to add one or two more boards?
I dunno, i never had to manage an imageboard. How would mods categorize what threads should go in /media/ and what should go in /hobby/?
>Honestly this board feels stagnant because people posting the same things all the time.
New things won't get posted because of a new board which pretty much already exists. People have been asking for a /pol/ though, which I do think would attract more users, male and female alike, so it's risky and would be hard to maintain ("is that poster a girl with insane beliefs or a moid?")

Anonymous 6165


Like I said in another thread literally /hb/ can be turned into /hb/–the hobby board. Beauty/health stuff can still be included. That board is already almost dead anyway.

If there's a hobby board then you can actually get more people drawn there for the explicit purpose of finding someone with their exact hobby. It might not be that active but there's no reason why it wouldn't be less active than /hb/ is right now.

Also this is controversial but I think changing it to hobby would be more feminist.

Anonymous 6172

I agree, a hobby board would be good. Let’s change /hb/ to hobby.

Anonymous 6173


I am supportive of new boards but how would it differentiate it between /media/ since most hobbies are media related especially with cc’s user base unless I’m projecting. I feel like /media/ should be getting way more activity but it isn’t for whatever reason and I doubt people would share their creations in a hobby board for the same reason people on lc abstain for posting their art.
I’ve been a bit cynical and thought what’s the point when you could post the same stuff on other websites with more activity and get a discussion easily.
Either way it doesn’t hurt to make a hobby board but I’m worried that it will be so broad or overlaps with /media/ and cause problems.

Anonymous 6174

I strongly AGREE.

Screen Shot 2022-0…

Anonymous 6026[Reply]

We should have a crystal.cafe Omegle field day. we should pick a date for it to be on and a tag to agree to use so we can mingle and meet other girls who use the website.
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Anonymous 6028


Awful idea, just like >>6027 said. I prefer not to risk it.

Anonymous 6030

I tried using the tag before, it’s already mostly men.

Anonymous 6031

are they ugly or cute

Anonymous 6033


Anonymous 6047

OP = tranny


Anonymous 5829[Reply]

Are there political chans for women? Or could crystal cafe make a political section?

Anonymous 5831

but why, that’s going to destroy this site lmfao

Anonymous 5834


Anonymous 5836

this site's gc and terf threads (i don't think lolcow has any anymore) are the closest you'll get. unless you're an altright freak in which case just larp as a moid if your politics are that moidlike.

Anonymous 5839

Actually lolcow has the MtF thread in /snow/ and a hidden board for radfem stuff, in said board there is a thread for more leftist radical feminism, which I thinkk would be appropriate for more general leftist political discussion if that's your thing, but last time I checked it (the thread) was pretty dead (the board too but it got some more activity recently)

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