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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


What are y'all's opinions on sadbabydolls? Anonymous 270314[Reply]

For those of you that don't know, "sadbabydolls" refers to a community of girls on Tumblr that call themselves "nymphets", obsessively skinwalk Nicole Dollanganger, and romanticize school shooters, deformities, and violence. However, they can also be very cute and friendly, and they are usually pretty nice to people on their blog/s. I honestly don't know what to think about these girl, because they are VERY problematic and sometimes weird, i.e. collecting teeth and locks of hair and photographing children's tombstones.Here are some examples:
I wasn't sure where else to ask about this because reddit never helps, hope this is okay!!
26 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270862

the irony is that this is what TIMs think of women. he's saying that bio women fetishize themselves, which can be true sure, but TIMs are the worst offenders for this lmao

Anonymous 270863

Tranny's projecting really hard since they're the only ones I ever see trying 'be' the anime girl and they get all their ideas of womanhood from anime & porn.

Anonymous 270867

Tumblr girls had found it but I can't google for it and it's impossible to search on the damn site. It's not Hayden which you'll find if you google his real name, it was something else. Like Robert or something? It was a seriously generic bro name that fit his school shooter aesthetic well. I wanted to post that pic of him surrounded by his guns but that seems scrubbed. I think it was pre transition which is probably why I can't find it. It's funny cause in looking for the pic I found a girl talking about a song about being sexually interested in school shooters. Wonder if he wrote the song to be a fantasy of a girl being obsessed with his school shooter aesthetic. He's a creep for sure

Anonymous 270872


Did some digging, turns out his real name is Macon. Also is this the pic u were talking about?

Anonymous 270873

With a neanderthal brow and dead eye stare like that, can one look anymore unhinged?


Anonymous 238004[Reply]

Why do you simp for virgin men?
You do know that the reason they're still one is most likely because they're assholes and don't give much of a fuck about anyone besides themselves, right?
228 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270659

>men should be whores

Anonymous 270661

It's obviously a self-hating incel posting

Anonymous 270675

I’ve had a virgin once, and probably won’t ever again. The sex was not good, and afterward his sweet facade completely burned away and he started acting like a dumb fuckboy since he “scored” with me.

Anonymous 270678

>I had a one night stand with a virgin who turned out to be a fuckboy in spirit

Anonymous 270871

>self-hating incel
you can just say "tranny" for short


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
58 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270822


Why does it remind me of…

Anonymous 270823

kekk so fucking ugly

Anonymous 270831

>Spends hours putting expensive makeup on
>can't be bothered to at least line his ugly stubble
Many such cases

Anonymous 270869


Anonymous 270870

Oh wow,another deluded man pretending to be a girl winning in the women's division. What's the count on that now?


Lolcow.farm Hate Thread #7 Anonymous 262132[Reply]

Previous thread: >>252993
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Anonymous 270828

Humor us and link us to her 'paranoid delusions'

Anonymous 270829


>the lcf admin claims to track devices (which I doubt, its probably just a cookie thing)
Seeing the user agent is a basic moderation feature for any anonymous imageboard because it allows you to moderate more easily by being able to see post history to a certain degree. I'm pretty sure the former admins even explained it on multiple occasions when they exposed Kiki's and Creepshowart's posting histories. This is nothing new. It's easily circumventable of course but the average poster won't bother with that. Your ip, device/OS and browser are what's usually accessible to mods and admins on any website ever, even non-anonymous ones. Every site logs and collects this data. If you want to see what information is visible you can check sites such as https://dnschecker.org/user-agent-info.php which will show you your user agent.

NTA but I remember this gangstalk anon well, she really stands out. I believe she sperged about this issue in one more thread but I can't remember exactly where. This is the thread from pic related, if you want to witness more of her spergout: https://lolcow.farm/meta/res/74111.html#74715

Anonymous 270832

Why are mods so ban happy? They're ruining the user experience

Anonymous 270837

The scrotes alike talking people are so gross, I've seen some reducing women to their pussy like rightoids and coomers would.

Anonymous 270868

"Race baiting" on lc is basically just mentioning race in any capacity


Why do Gen z males have such horrid haircuts Anonymous 231441[Reply]

We should all carry electric razors so when we see these cuts we can chase them down and bzzzz zing
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Anonymous 268197

I racebait by being a terrible person and creating new stereotypes.

Anonymous 268207

So do I. Want to be friends?

Anonymous 269181

please stop being Mormon

Anonymous 270062

Fucking men

Anonymous 270866

Scrubbing brush styles

Screenshot 2024-01…

/soc/ boyfriend horror stories thread Anonymous 262279[Reply]

Anyone have any horror stories or just bad experiences with boyfriends they met on /soc/? willing to share my story if enough people care about this thread
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Anonymous 270592

There’s a SFW general last I checked. You still have to be selective with who you add, and if they’re not degenerate they’re still probably boring

Anonymous 270608

met an r9k guy who was pretty chill; awkward, insecure nerd who had a cute face and voice. went to shit tho bc he was also schizoid bpd type (like me) and kept showing his dick on cam. hope he doesnt see this bc i think he lurks < 33

Anonymous 270674

/soc/ is completely worthless now because it's filled with both normies and horrible degenerates, worse than the normal kind. It used to be better but past few years it's just gotten so bad that i've stopped trying entirely.

Anonymous 270708

scott pilgrim.jpeg

i've had a couple of casual friends that i naturally filtered through as well as one good friend I'm still in contact with, ngl i've mostly had negative experiences from /soc/ as the women i've tried to befriend were just incredibly aloof and disinterested whilst the males ranged from creepy and clingy to outright psychotic and would threaten to an hero themselves if I didn't respond to them

Anonymous 270865

oh god please no. no no no soc is the worst. i fucked three 30+ year old men from there at 15. worst part is that only one of them wasnt ugly as hell.


What’s your lowest point of your time on the internet Anonymous 264232[Reply]

Saw the question on reddit, curious about the responses here.
143 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270241


oh I win this one. Having multiple hour long sexual conversations with myself on an alt pretending to be a dude who wanted to fuck me and sending the alt nudes and sending from the alt account that "he" was getting off to it and getting off to that. Also sending messages from that alt that he liked me and had feelings for me, ect. and occasionally "we" would get into fights and arugue and "he'd" tell me to kill myself

Anonymous 270242


>super fan girl for political youtuber
>use all my money sending him super chats so it'll feel like I'm talking to him
>debate another political youtuber on his behalf
>tell this youtuber to debate the guy I was fangirling
>he does
>guy I was fangirling loses the debate and consides everything
>he streams again and acts like nothing happened, I ask him with super chats if he ment what he said in the debate, he ignores my superchats
>call him a lieing bitch
>he blocks me
>about a month later he does a 180 on all his views
>I go to debate him, but he just milks me for content and tells everyone he's the victim of my parasocal realionship and that I dmed his wife for no reason
>tfw his wife dmed me, to refund me for the superchats he ignored
>still have nightmeres about him

never again. Parasocal relationships, not even once

Anonymous 270658

I was so enraged by the time my ex added himself to my group chat and told all my friends I raped and abused him (both untrue) that I spent months finding and adding his e-friends and ingratiating myself to them to make a groupchat of my own where I made fun of him and told them all about the horrors he subjected me to.
I got bored and deleted the account and then when I got a new bf, he realised what I had done and tried to interfere with my new relationship (man of my dreams in every way who was kind and lovely to me). Lol. Get owned groomer!

Anonymous 270742

that's a man hand you tranny ywnbaw

Anonymous 270864

when i was 13 i posted myself doing the whip and nae nae in a diaper in a discord server (because i pissed the bed until 14) because i wanted to turn myself into a lolcow. i also constantly talked about rape and shit, called myself a loli, and doxxed myself. thankfully nobody really cared because its discord and all teen girls act like that on that hellsite


Anonymous 269478[Reply]

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Anonymous 270603


Anonymous 270605



Anonymous 270607



Anonymous 270860

MEOWDY!! how u doin?!

Anonymous 270861


Meowty good, how be you pardner?


Anonymous 270175[Reply]

Have you ever accidentally met someone who uses cc in person before? I have by chance and it made me realize how small the world can be (or how many people actually lurk here)
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270590

It just came up in passing conversation. Such a random coincidence

Anonymous 270594

Yes I actually have completely by accident. One of my classmates in uni. She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

Anonymous 270606

>She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

maybe its because Im new here but i'm not sure what the average cc user would look like? Maybe like the average 4 chan user but female edition?

Anonymous 270635

How was she?

Anonymous 270853

I know a girl who's pretty clear about hating men (and not in an unhinged way) and I feel like she'd fit well in here, but it's not something I'd ever ask about, obviously.

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