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Anonymous 263971[Reply]

do you think sexuality is something people are born with, or can it be influenced by outside factors?
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Anonymous 269522

>that would mean tradfags were sorta right about conversion therapy
I see what you mean…that’s why talking about this stuff is so tricky. I always (pseudoscientifically) thought of it as someone is born with a predestined range of potential gayness but early life experience will determine how gay they’ll turn out. Even if I do not agree with the full “born this way” explanation, it’s useful enough to get nuance-proof idiots to accept it without thinking they can change it.
As far as whether there even is a “gay gene” I think things like antenatal diet of the mother or sperm age or even what >>269374 said is just as likely. Even though it’s technically not “genetic” it’s from that murky conception to birth time so it is something people are born with. Part of the reason that I don’t think it’s just from birth is that I think we’d be able to pinpoint why people are gay by now if it was that simple.

Anonymous 269530

The purpose of research that shows that a variety of factors affect sexual orientation is to indirectly prove that sexual orientation is not a choice, no matter how bisexuals try to instill it in everyone.
Interestingly, women also change their preferences in appearance types and preferences in sexual activities more than men? If there are only changes in sexual orientation, then it is mysterious.

Anonymous 269604

it definitely can be influenced imo. i think i was 7 when my sister's friend showed porn to us (it was the first time i learned what sex was). we were kids so we obviously found jt disgusting and disturbing, and our curiosity didnt let us just turn it off and forget about it lol. i often wonder how i wouldve turned out if i found out about porn later in life, bc im almost 20 and i still have a slight tendency to percieve sex as something nasty like i saw in porn 13 yeas ago dhsgxhsdh i tried rly hard to develop a normal positive healthy relationship w sex but there's still that part of me that finds it a little disturbing

Anonymous 269610


>they don’t know

Anonymous 270002

again, the division into active and passive.
Most people learn about porn early and it's terrible. I'm sorry that you feel that way.


no subject - chatroom thread Anonymous 143286[Reply]

consider this thread a place to come just to shoot the shit. no specific topic is applied, just talk about anything you like!
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Anonymous 269566


oxychan's whole thing doesn't serve as enough of a warming against this practice to you?

like this isn't 2005. 4chan hasn't been a cool underground site in a long time. you're likelier than ever to meet a legitimate predator looking for a victim like you exactly.

Anonymous 269905

it's blast my music to bother moids with loud cars day

Anonymous 269948

It worked for me. You just have to vet people out like you would on any other website.

Anonymous 269951

Why 4chan of all places though?

Anonymous 269980

ive used soc for years and met some cool ppl on there but few and far between theres so many emotionally damsged ppl with like selfesteem issues, i think dating sites are fucked so 4chan has the appeal of like grabbing the outer rim of society that has a potential for an unclaimed gem, have yet to find it though.

in a big counrty dreams stay with you…


Anonymous 266059[Reply]

Virgins by choice?

I noticed that even most radfems or "femcels" have had sex or have sex actively but there are not so many people who are virgins by choice or are there?

Are here any virgins by choice besides me? Do you plan ever to lose virginity?
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Anonymous 269605

im so bad at talking to men that i seriously started considering going from femcel to fem volcel lately..

Anonymous 269606

How can you be bad at talking to men? Most of the time they do all the talking anyway.

Anonymous 269607


im scared of men i feel like they all hate me bc im a girl and their energy is always off, so i never feel comfortable to act like myself around them….i just stay quiet and its bc im quiet that they dont wanna talk to me lmao plus i think most of them r a bit stupid and shallow so we rarely have anything in common.

Anonymous 269609

I think men and women naturally don't have much in common and we wouldn't even associate if we didn't want sex. Before puberty it's mostly like this, then you start getting horny and it changes. I had zero interest in boys until one day biology forced me. And now I suffer because of it.

Anonymous 269712


i agree to an extent. a few of my girl friends have genuine male friends who wouldnt try to persue them sexually or romantically. i met those guys they're actually nice but i still think we have nothing in common. and i have no idea how my friends befriended the honestly?? but yeah i feel like being attracted to men while not being platonically compatible with them is a curse. knowing i have to hang out with a guy alone in order to find a bf just makes me want one even less…


Anonymous 261827[Reply]

Why do I like yaoi so much when I can't stand irl homosexual moids?
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Anonymous 268783

Do you think Japanese homosexuals are like yaoi characters?

Anonymous 269226

you might actually be retarded

Anonymous 269270

they absolutely are not

Anonymous 269849

Lmao so does otome, hentai and anime in general you dipshit, btw women hate you.

Anonymous 269851

call me pathetic again~


Anonymous 269643[Reply]

If I'm a loser should I kill myself?

Anonymous 269648

No, the measures of success are arbitrary and cultural. Spite the system and live your life, lil' goblin

Anonymous 269794

Nah, don’t do it. You just need a change of perspective. It’s not easy, but we’ll worth putting in the effort.

Anonymous 269834

No, the world needs losers like you

Anonymous 269843

negatory ghost rider


2024 Predictions Thread Anonymous 260461[Reply]

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Anonymous 269795

You say the Black Panther movement died 50 years ago. It was primarily known for operating Cop Watches (hard targets, surveilled carefully).
The KKK is still running, still gathers large numbers at public demonstrations, and occasionally still kills people. The Klan was known primarily for bombing churches (soft targets selected indiscriminately).

Really seems like soft targets are the way to go.

Anonymous 269807

The klan is half a honeypot and half a sad joke that could never effectively show force anywhere. Not even in the small impoverished towns they still organize. As soon as it stopped being acceptable for political figures to openly be involved (who need I remind you started the klan, there are just endless reasons why the klan is an invalid comparison the more I think about ) they lost power indefinitely.
The klan is a massive failure. Numbers and rallies are meaningless when their project is over.

Anonymous 269822

>a movement that died 50 years ago.
You mean a legitimate movement that the CIA infiltrated and destabilized due to feeling threatened?

Anonymous 269824

Yes that is exactly what I mean. The movement died when it was killed by the CIA. And then the subsequent aftermath movements were also destroyed quickly after.

Anonymous 269825

Pretty much any legitimate leftist movement was destroyed by the alphabet letter agencies. "Leftist" movements these days can barely be called a movement and is why it has shifted from addressing actual problems that affected people such as class consciousness to now idpol shit. It's not tin foiling to say that this has been deliberate and is why we won't ever see actual change as capitalism benefits those in power at the end of the day. The interesting part about the panthers is that they were also advocating for Marxism-Leninism and a lot of other leftist movements during that time advocated for similar beliefs which what the government was actually threatened by. It's crazy once you actually look into this and see the evil shit that the US did to its citizens and other countries and their governments as well.


Anonymous 269758[Reply]

Anyone have a tulpa? I've had a tulpa for about 8 years now but lately I've been feeling very strange. That being said I have a question. Are tulpas demons? Did I summon a frickin demon?

Anonymous 269759

Tulpas aren't real.

Anonymous 269788

Moved to >>>/x/10390.


Tell me about your day Anonymous 268888[Reply]

How was your day? Anything interesting happen? What sre you feeling and thinking?
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Anonymous 268965

Anonymous 268967


Thats pretty cool! What berries? I was just thinking of making my own jam the other day, because I remembered how my great grandmother used to make jam from strawberries and one time I went to pick some berries with my aunt.

Anonymous 269238

Ever since I got dumped from my first relationship (a 6 year one) I had a lot of difficulty being alone and rebounded into another 2 year one. After that I was once again struggling being alone but this morning was the first morning I woke up in a good mood (without that pit of dread in my solar plexus) and felt kind of nice being alone with my cat. I'm feeling optimstic about being able to enjoy life again, even if I'm alone.

Anonymous 269705

I'm training someone at work and it's pretty taxing because I have to have my extrovert worksona on at all times instead of getting to work by myself.

I'm also worried aboit a trip I'm going on soon, my relationship with my partner, and my future.

I had a drink tonight and I wanted a second but I just had a snack instead. I'm proud of myself.

Anonymous 269726


did hygiene and makeup and put on a pretty dress/shoes

went to doctor

decided to do a rest day re: working out

avoiding dishes and putting away clean laundry

drinking black tea and browsing the net in a cozy blanket

waiting for virtual therapy time + nigel to return from work

will probably knock out the dishes at some point, maybe ask for help putting away the laundry

best day this week so far


Discord Ettiquite Anonymous 269414[Reply]

Is it some kind of faux pas to just… unfriend somebody on Discord that you never talk to?? I notice that people will add me from somewhere, ask me a question or something, and won't talk to me ever again but they won't just unfriend you for some reason. Yet when I unfriend somebody on Discord that I don't intend to talk to again (like someone I rped with for a few weeks but we aren't friends or anything) it's considered this big deal, apparently. I never thought about it as a crime to keep people in my contacts that I talk to/are friends with, but it seems like I'm the odd one here. Do you keep people on Discord that you don't talk to or intend to talk to?

Anonymous 269707

kek wondering about the same thing nona. but in my case I don't feel connected to this person and the conversation is just so boring.

troon anime.png

Terfposting #34 Anonymous 255893[Reply]

Since #33 reached the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 269764

It's legitimately a poetic tragedy. These lesbians thought, against all evidence to the contrary and against all firsthand accounts of straight women, that straight women date and relate by the exact same rules as lesbian women despite the monumental differences in their circumstances. So if she became a man there'd just suddenly be a massive increase in number of women and massive decrease in number of interested men. The level of social unawareness required to walk into that facefirst is a serious disability and it's really really sad that doctors let someone do that to themselves when they don't have the mental, emotional or social capacity to give proper INFORMED consent.

Anonymous 269773

yeah idfk why an aiden would try to date women. No fucking way are you gonna get a straight girl and lesbains are attracted to women. It made more sense to me to be a fujo on steroids and want to larp your yaoi fantasies.

Anonymous 269775

Female autism makes them social rejects and they find school shooters relatable? Maybe, idk. Maybe they see these moids as heroes who share their plight

Anonymous 269776

sorry for asking a retarded question, but what does tif stand for?

Anonymous 269778

Not a retarded question, it stands for Trans Identified Female. Basically another way to say transman, but it pisses off pooners because it lumps them into being female. People will also say T.I.M, which means trans identified male.
Hope this helped!

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