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Women sports as AFAB only spaces? Anonymous 251175[Reply]

Felt this deserved it's own thread

Now hear me out. You know that trannies invade every space women habituate right?

What if we used female sport spaces where only real women are allowed as kind of a secure circle away from them?
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Anonymous 251191

Screenshot from 20…

also also reminder that before the scrote boxing matches that are nowdays very popular, there used to be political enemies fighting through sports and this is probably the most famous case of it

(she won btw)

Anonymous 265648


Anonymous 270578


Anonymous 270580

Fuck no, but I've noticed "passing" trannies tend to be true and honest faggots who transition to attract other men and generally leave women alone, at least from what I've witnessed.

Anonymous 270583

no and what >>270580 said.
They aren't women, they are usually just really effeminite gay men that seek out bisexual men or want to trick straight men. 'passing' TIMs are still men, still predatory, but towards other men instead of women. While it's nice that they leave lesbians alone, it's still behavior I can't condone.

We know that trannies come to this board to seethe. It's annoying, they should go make a tranny board that excludes real women so when they out themselves I can kindly refer them to the tranny only board.


Anonymous 255113[Reply]

favorite cheese?
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Anonymous 270430

Smoked Gouda

Anonymous 270437

That’s like asking a mother who their favorite child is

Mozzarella for raw consumption, cheddar on a borgar/sammich, Wensleydale on crackers. Wine with all of it.

Anonymous 270440

Brie is so good. Parmesan, Feta, Queso Oaxaca, i love them all.

Anonymous 270470


Fromage Blanc

Anonymous 270557

based and 6pool pilled


Anonymous 255079[Reply]

I only find fictional men attractive.
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Anonymous 268872


Edgy teenage me thought Izumi was the best.

Anonymous 269779

Edgy teenager you wasn't wrong

Anonymous 269781

when re4 came out I rented it at blockbuster and the guy at checkout was like "thats a great game" which I never heard before from a checkout guy (because I mostly would rent things like pokemon snap and animal crossing) so I felt like a hardcore gamer.

It was only after I got home that I realized the game was more than just playing as a sexy guy and I got super scared then got too upset to keep playing when leon got his head hacked off by the chainsaw guy at the first villiage and I felt bad for killing him.

Anonymous 269995


I think Leon is a ugly overrated fag
Dante is more attractive

Anonymous 270370

You are adorable!

Rural allround ast…

Anonymous 269839[Reply]

When I look around this site I can't help but laugh at the concept of the Bechdel test. If this imageboard is any indication then it's not even a valid thought experiment. Can anyone here not go five posts without talking about moids or scrotes?
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Anonymous 269857

Anon you just contributed to talking about scrotes by making this post.

Cool image btw.

Anonymous 269878

Who's the artist for your pic?

Anonymous 270182


Anonymous 270184

>If this imageboard is any indication
CC is a very rare space where women with misandrist and gender critical (leaning) views can vent their thoughts and feelings in a way most of us can't in real life or other onlin spaces, resulting in an above average amount of posts about moids. CC isn't representative.

Anonymous 270198

its hard not to talk about something that annoys the hell out of you so yeah


PDA // About Love Anonymous 268801[Reply]

This is not something positive. It is something negative. It may be cute and adorable in thought, but ultimately repulsive in observation and oftentimes practice.

Today I experienced a wretched display of “LOVE” from a close acquaintance of mine. Randomly, in our group chat with a few other mutuals, she (unprompted) complained about her stupid ass boyfriend giving her a hickey, and how it’s such a pain/bother to cover up. I told her “I don’t want to hear about this” while our mutual friends were shocked and curious. She gave us the BLESSING of a visual and proceeded to sent a picture of the disgusting mark on her neck. FIRST of all, literally nobody asked for this. SECOND of all, you’re disgusting and I could give less of a shit about what your repulsive fucking boyfriend is doing to you. I am not even exaggerating when I say that I felt absolutely horrible when she sent that first text to the group chat. It puts a horrible image of her being defiled by her fuckass boyfriend in my head. This is something I absolutely hate about young couples. They think that everyone is interested in their business, curious about whether their shit is brown or a taupe -NEWSFLASH, nobody fucking cares so you PDA loving bitches can just kill yourselves because I assure you that nobody is wondering if you are sexually active with your partner, nobody is wondering who you got a hickey from, nobody is wondering if you’ve given up your virginity (SLUT), and nobody most of all gives a shit if you’re in “love”. Keep it to yourself, it really is that simple.

PDA/flaunting your retarded relationship isn’t the only annoying thing about love, but it’s the feeling itself. Being in love is the worst thing a human can experience in todays world. One day you’re soaring through the clouds, ecstatic and seeing the world through a new lens of pink and the next day you’re in your bedroom, sleeping through the day, feeling sick to your stomach wondering what is going through your crush’s mind. I hate the ambiguity. I hate it all. Most of all, I hate thinking about him when I was made to think for myself. Before anything, I am a human, a selfish creature. I hate when he takes up my mind and distracts me, from ME.
Worrying about someone else is annoying when you don’t know what they’re thinking. I hate playing this game of cat and mouse because it causes so much overthinking and unnecessary stress for no reason. From this, Ive been disinterested in love, and I’ve made noPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 269992

i need him impregnated

Anonymous 269998

love sucks nona. I just want a good friend who cares about me so badly.

Anonymous 269999

hickeys are dope though i love getting hickeys

Anonymous 270013


holy shit i hate people doing pda…its disgusting when they're in poblic on their own but its 10 times worse when they're doing it IN A GROUP OF FRIENDS??? its super rude and disrespectful i hate them. whenever i see a couple being gross in public i make sure they notice me looking at them weird so they feel uncomfortable cause they really need a reality check. worst thing of all is that they're probably such disgusting freaks that they wont even feel uncomfortable by people staring…i wish we unnormalized this fuck pda all my homies hate pda

Anonymous 270194

You sound just like a really annoying friend I used to have, is your name Stephanie


Anonymous 270092[Reply]

i want to drop out of film school

Anonymous 270097

What would you prefer to do?

Anonymous 270098

If you are paying money for that film school… drop out. If films are your passion try to finance it on the side with a regular job and see if you can get independent step by step. This is what I did with drawing, even though I theoretically would not have to get 5 digits int debt to study art in Germany,

Anonymous 270160

Do it

Anonymous 270176

We are on the same boat. What year are you in? Why do you want to drop out?


Soda thread Anonymous 269829[Reply]

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Anonymous 270134

Squirt is very underrated.

Anonymous 270136

is a man gay if he doesn't want his gf to squirt? do nonas like tasting squirt?

Anonymous 270139

I have to admit I walked right into that.

Anonymous 270142


Anonymous 270147


Used to work at fast food.
The syrup and soda water are separated until dispensed, which simulates how soda fountains back in the day would serve their beverages.

Whether the superior soda drinking experience is due to a higher concentration of syrup in the drink, or the carbonated soda doesn't have time to fuck up the flavor of the syrup, I'm not sure. But I feel like mixing the syrup and the soda on demand definitely plays a role.

Hope that helps, nona!! ~Kisses!


Anonymous 267135[Reply]

i'm getting an iud at the end of the month cause of my endometriosis. i'm a virgin. how bad is it gonna hurt?
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Anonymous 268400

can't speak for hormonal IUDs since mine is copper, but holy shit the insertion hurt SO MUCH and the worst part is I HAD NO IDEA IT WOULD HURT AT ALL. First and only time I felt so much pain that I literally thought I was gonna puke and the medical staff was giving me rubbing alcohol to sniff so I wouldn't vomit. I'd still have gotten it knowing that, bc the copper IUD is non-hormonal and im bipolar so I rly dont need the extra mood swings that hormonal bc gives me. I just really wish they had used some kind of local anesthetic, ffs why wouldn't that be the norm, with that level of pain.

Maybe the hormonal ones have less painful insertions than the copper IUD bc they seem to be made out of silicone or something else that is definitely more flexible/able to bend than copper.

Also, the copper IUD gives you longer, heavier, more painful periods. I was told I'd simply get used to it and it would get less pronounced over time, which it hasn't. But as I said, hormonal bc makes me cry for days for literally no reason so I still prefer the physical pain over feeling suicidal for days and days every time I menstruate. Ofc your mileage may vary if your brain isn't defective like mine.

Anonymous 268401

copper IUD haver here, can confirm its worth it, but no anesthesia was ever even discussed as a possibility. they did give me prescription ibuprofen like 30 min before but yea, most pain ive ever felt.

the good news is that the pain is not prolonged.

felt like i had to use the bathroom after but I in fact did not really have to

Anonymous 268402

lmao my moid compared the feel of recent-IUD-sex to fucking SOUNDING xD i kekd

Anonymous 270063

Mine went in fine it didn't hurt

Anonymous 270132

Get Nexplanon, the arm implant instead. Same mechanism, but no one has to shove their fingers up you.


Asexuality Anonymous 36860[Reply]

How many of you are asexual? I feel like a significant portion of CC is.
I've never been in a relationship as I've rejected any guy who has asked me out, so I don't think I know for sure. I think my distrust of men has led to me feeling this way. The only guys I'm able to be attracted to and consider crushes are guys I don't talk to.
Can anyone relate?
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Anonymous 269934

diapernona is my favorite poster now

Anonymous 269956


I am trying to work on myself. I’ve gotten a little better with time (I’m not as scared of men for instance) but I’ve had so many bad experiences since my teenage years that it’s going to take a lot to unravel that stuff. Maybe I’ll find a moid who’s actually caring and willing to work through this stuff with me, but from what I’ve experienced, I’m not holding my breath.
I use the asexual label because it’s easier to say that than explain all my issues to people. I don’t like traumadumping on my friends

Anonymous 269968


Too schizo for a relationships and I refuse to take my meds

Anonymous 269972

twauma dump on me ;)

Anonymous 270072

I understand, yeah. It's good that you're working on yourself and I wish all the best for you. If it helps, there are some good moids out there, you just have to weed through a lot of trash, unfortunately.


Anonymous 263971[Reply]

do you think sexuality is something people are born with, or can it be influenced by outside factors?
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Anonymous 269522

>that would mean tradfags were sorta right about conversion therapy
I see what you mean…that’s why talking about this stuff is so tricky. I always (pseudoscientifically) thought of it as someone is born with a predestined range of potential gayness but early life experience will determine how gay they’ll turn out. Even if I do not agree with the full “born this way” explanation, it’s useful enough to get nuance-proof idiots to accept it without thinking they can change it.
As far as whether there even is a “gay gene” I think things like antenatal diet of the mother or sperm age or even what >>269374 said is just as likely. Even though it’s technically not “genetic” it’s from that murky conception to birth time so it is something people are born with. Part of the reason that I don’t think it’s just from birth is that I think we’d be able to pinpoint why people are gay by now if it was that simple.

Anonymous 269530

The purpose of research that shows that a variety of factors affect sexual orientation is to indirectly prove that sexual orientation is not a choice, no matter how bisexuals try to instill it in everyone.
Interestingly, women also change their preferences in appearance types and preferences in sexual activities more than men? If there are only changes in sexual orientation, then it is mysterious.

Anonymous 269604

it definitely can be influenced imo. i think i was 7 when my sister's friend showed porn to us (it was the first time i learned what sex was). we were kids so we obviously found jt disgusting and disturbing, and our curiosity didnt let us just turn it off and forget about it lol. i often wonder how i wouldve turned out if i found out about porn later in life, bc im almost 20 and i still have a slight tendency to percieve sex as something nasty like i saw in porn 13 yeas ago dhsgxhsdh i tried rly hard to develop a normal positive healthy relationship w sex but there's still that part of me that finds it a little disturbing

Anonymous 269610


>they don’t know

Anonymous 270002

again, the division into active and passive.
Most people learn about porn early and it's terrible. I'm sorry that you feel that way.

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