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Indie Vtubers pandering to moids Anonymous 264745[Reply]

Please tell me that I am not the only one finding all those indie vtubers being called "based" for supporting loli porn? Everytime I see an indie vtuber there is always a thing about liking loli and using bad words like c*nny and if you are against it you are being called a tourist? The indie vtuber sphere seems to be grounded in pedobaiting and I was wondering why… But when we think about it even the corporations tend to do it. I really wanted to express how bad I feel about it
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Anonymous 270075

t. Loli vtuber

Anonymous 270087

No, but I do like some of em.

Anonymous 270091

/pol/ and /v/ almost always rank higher than /vt/, abeit not by a great extent

Anonymous 270129

Yeah and shooting games cause shootings.

Anonymous 271638

It goes:
Although /vt/ regularly becomes the fastest board on all of 4chan whenever there's a big Vtuber event on, like a big graduation or the big Holofes concerts and expo


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
392 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 270672

Anonymous 270693

I am, but in the Okanagan. Grew up in the Lower Mainland though.

Anonymous 270695

you should drop your tag so people can add you and join instead i think it would be easier that way

Anonymous 270709


this is probably a male trying to get us to put our usernames out in the open

Anonymous 271636



Anonymous 271620[Reply]

Who are your favorite fictional male characters? And why are they your favorites?

I'll start: Emiya Shirou

>wake up at 5am

>train your body at the dojo
>make a gourmet breakfast that most people would take an hour to cook it
>wash the dishes and go to school
>cleans the house and serves meals
>help your best bro Shinji clean the dojo and walk his sister home after a seeing blonde foreigner outside their house
>he has love and care and empathy and understanding and complete selfless devotion
>reflected the ideals of another, and like all reflections, is never 100% accurate
>family man, househusband
>loyal, willing to die just to save people he likes
>compassionate, caring, overall nice guy

Anonymous 271624


This cool ass penguin


>having a good time
>enjoying himself
>has refreshing beverage
>access to alien technology and intergalactic travel

Anonymous 271627



>shitting on bill gates grave

>spreading the 4 freedoms through his software
>tastefully plump
>best friends with an autistic gnu
>cute and funny
>makes glowies seethe


Older women? Anonymous 229976[Reply]

Any older women, like 35+ here?

Is pic related accurate? Is it just low value scrotes who cannot get women their own age. Or is it all men? Do you feel that men your age would date younger women if they could?
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Anonymous 271455

I think she wants to be called names while she is sucking cock

Anonymous 271460

You're literally sexually harrasing me and bullying. Or it's called taunting

Anonymous 271461

I'm just teasing you, oral-fixation-chan

Anonymous 271615

This test is bullshit, because they forgot to remove the age of the people at the picture.

How would someone be able to judge someone age from a picture with this precision?
Because unless you ask someone, you can only judge his age by his look

Anonymous 271622

>How would someone be able to judge someone age from a picture with this precision?
You cant tell how old somebody is based on their picture?
>This test is bullshit, because they forgot to remove the age of the people at the picture.
So they had the ages listed on the picture and all the men still picked 20 year old women? That only proves the point more.


Do people actually wear hats? Anonymous 271515[Reply]

I haven't seen anyone wear a hat in over three days

Anonymous 271516

only in the fall. a newsboy cap (not the peaky blinders type) can be pretty cute with fall outfits

Anonymous 271519

I haven't been able to wear hats in years. I used to work at a thrift store and always tried on random hats for fun until I got lice super bad and it lasted forever. To this day I can't put a hat on without feeling them crawling on me. I know logically there's nothing there but I always feel it anyway.

Anonymous 271520

I wear a baseball cap if I am going to be outside for long period of time.

Anonymous 271536

i have a collection of fish-themed trucker hats, but i never see anyone wear non-caps and the occasional zoomer with those little bucket hats. so hats are real probably

_ (1).jpeg

For the anonnettes who are DDLC enjoyers. Anonymous 267094[Reply]

I started playing DDLC today, i have watched gameplays about it and i know what's about, im not new. I can't help but notice the intense foreshadowing it has. For example, in the poems Monika writes, the little "It's not long before you won't need me anymore" sayori says to us when she asks if we would walk home with her or yuri (yuri in my case, i like her a lot), and also the little details, how monika is the only one looking directly at us, how the other ones just pop up in the scenes while monika slides and appears moving, also after showing her our second poem, she says something about saving the game before making a big decision "you might change your mind!" when i tell you it sent shivers down my spine… I don't know if i just notice this because i have watched gameplays about the game and i know what's about or because it really has a lot of little details, hints and foreshadowing.
Anyways, the art is very cute, Monika is scary, i feel intimidated every time she shows up on my screen, i also love the soundtracks.
What do we think, anonnettes?
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Anonymous 270028

it isn't that bad. i did the route of the artist girl (the one without arms) and honestly i was surprised, because the MC has to waste a lot of time listening to the ramblings of an autistic teenager and doing favors to get close to her. and the romance was like any other angsty teenager bullshit. in fact, she was more realistic than most female characters in VNs.

Anonymous 270049

surprised no one has thought to mention kimi to kanojo to kanojo no koi. my favorite vn and predates ddlc by 4 years.

Anonymous 271540

i really like it. if you watched chainsaw man monika reminds me of makima

Anonymous 271560

“What if romantic visual novel but surprise it’s actually disturbing and messed up!” is a really trite concept.

Anonymous 271608

Moved to >>>/media/34570.


Anonymous 264858[Reply]

do you celebrate birthdays alone? what do you do on birthdays? what did you do your last birthday?

my 19th birthday is coming soon, last birthday i didnt do anything special. i bought supermarket sushi and chocolate cupcakes and ate them but thats it, i didnt really do much. just scrolled internet and so on.
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Anonymous 268189

Your boyfriend sounds shitty, like he can't appreciate the people around him while they're here and needed some instant zoomer gratification with videos. Honestly makes me feel like the youth today is so lost. Like you couldn't just sit around and eat cake and tea with grammy and talk about her childhood, her favorite birthdays, presents she liked as a kid? I would kill to have my grandparents around to talk to…

Anonymous 268304

Next week it's mine.
A year ago I went to see one of my favorite bands for the first time, and right after that I went to my ex bf's place and he had made dinner for us.
Now next week I'm turning 29. I've been having enough bad days lately to forget which day is it. I'd like to spend it alone but if I do that I'll start thinking where I was a year ago and I'll get depressed so I'll try to do something small. Maybe a little brunch, no birthday cake bullshit cause I hate that

Anonymous 268467


Hey birthday buddy, mine is next week, too!

A few years ago I started telling everyone my birthday. I even started bringing little treats for everyone on my birthday to celebrate (small office). I don't have any friends but I get some happy birthdays beyond my family now.

Anonymous 271277


Anonymous 271556

mine is soon but i'm not celebrating


Why are canned bananas pink? Anonymous 270404[Reply]

Aren't they supposed to be white or yellow?

Anonymous 270413


I wasn't aware there were canned bananas. I mean I guess you could can anything really. How do they taste?

I've seen pickled eggs that were dyed pink, so I imagine the solution they're in might have a similar effect.

Anonymous 271265

Are they

Anonymous 271538

Anonymous 271539

Red Dacca banana maybe?


outdoors hobbies Anonymous 265382[Reply]

hello nonas
let's talk about treehugger hobbies eg camping, bushcraft, foraging

also a question: how do you balance safety with enjoyment if you go out alone? i'm not sure about camping alone even with my giant dog.
18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 271368

love love camping, but i wish it's safe enough for me to do it alone, right now i'm relying on my guy friend to go with me

Anonymous 271369

What if the guy friend is dangerous? Who watches the watchmen?

Anonymous 271370

i'll kill him and then kill myself

Anonymous 271395

I'm only scared of dogs in the environment I am but roads I bike on seem safe

Anonymous 271532

same, im less scared of dangerous men than stray dogs especially in packs and the occasional bear we have around here. and the government does nothing about this shit.
anyways to answer the question i enjoy running, camping and exploring.
>how do you balance safety with enjoyment if you go out alone?
i think 'YOLO' and just do it


Should you own a microwave? Anonymous 269584[Reply]

Is it safe or does it cause health risks like cancer?
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Anonymous 270064


Anonymous 270121

yeah yeah yes

Anonymous 271413

This makes me sad

Anonymous 271512

>put thing in microwave
>close door
>open door
>it’s hot

Eldritch evil magic I have to assume

Anonymous 271531

a microwave is less dangerous than a light bulb

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