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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


It is hard to find places to vent freely Anonymous 267143[Reply]

Posting on image boards is shit because of misogyny, but at least you can talk back freely to rude people. On reddit if you ask a question or vent and somebody responds in a snarky way or tells you to go to therapy, something not everyone can do / a lot of therapists can be shit. You can't respond to them or you will get modified/downvoted for not agreeing, so you have to let the thread die. This might be petty, but I am kinda annoyed about getting stonewalled by either jokes or Go To tHeRaPy for being slightly upset about anything.
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Anonymous 271391

My therapist commented on me not wearing make up as a woman

Anonymous 271405

Every female therapist I’ve ever had has been an absolute cunt whose #1 focus was bitching about my appearance in one way or another.
Only therapist I ever liked was a gay guy too old for his brain to be testosterone poisoned, and then, this best-case scenario was that therapy was inoffensive but useless.

Anonymous 271511

Borrowing this thread to vent as to not interrupt the catalog

>Tfw gray ace

>Tfw hypno fetishist, but mainly for the mental aspect
>Join discord servers looking for idk
>See "roles" channel: m:f ratio is 2:1 and others in between
>VC voices are all low to mid tenor voices; they're almost all mtfs
>They're also almost all into roleplaying degenerate shit
Oh come on

People can talk about trans acceptance all the time, but it still doesn't change the fact that I don't feel safe spilling womanly secrets to someone who couldn't really relate to what I'm trying to get across, because like it or not, being born male means you won't know what it feels like to have menstrual cramps or hormonally affected mood swings etc

And the best part is that I can't vent this peeve anywhere else without getting accused of transphobia. Nice

Anonymous 271518

the amount of tims into hypnofetish makes me want to get away from the community altogether. it’s a crazily male dominated fetish that’s fun until i think about it through a feminist lens and feel disgusting for partaking

Anonymous 271523

I don't mind male 'tists, though I am very selective of them regardless of gender
What I do mind is most of them clearly only being into it for the sex part, many of them eithe rbeing outright pigs that know barely anything about hypnosis or are degenerate bottoms looking for "dommy mommys" to change their diapers and shit

Every time I try to get into a community, I get reminded almost immediately as to why I still stick with anonymous text scripts or one way recordings from veterans like Ultra after so many years


Lolcow.farm Hate Thread #7 Anonymous 262132[Reply]

Previous thread: >>252993
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Anonymous 271389

What y'all even complaining about

Anonymous 271454

lolcow is just the imageboard equivalent of facebook/twitter.

Anonymous 271497

smells like weev

Anonymous 271507

Your grandma IS a lolcow, nona

Anonymous 271510

hey.. don't insult nana..


Do people even mean the things they say Anonymous 271392[Reply]

What do humans say things that are inaccurate and i take them literally… Why can't they be straightforward instead. Explain the human language to an alien please

Anonymous 271393

Like is there a purpose behind that? They know they say false things and know others know and everyone knows but I took shut literally my whole life?

Anonymous 271403

I've been wondering this too, I guess some people just have really deadpan humor but idrk. I thought a friend of mine had no humor at all for the longest time but we just don't have the same type of humor, makes everything so awkward and dead serious all the time. Also people lie so much to save a bit of time, it's like I say something, "yeah I saw it/I know" and then when I attempt to talk about it they don't know what I'm talking about. Just ask or say you don't care lol.


:/ Anonymous 268232[Reply]

i really need to get a job by the end of the month but i'm so afraid. i feel like i will never be able to do anything. it gets hard to breathe and i cry just thinking pf interviews.

Anonymous 268233

You gain confidence by doing things! Trying won't hurt, while staying still does!

Anonymous 268275

dancing kot.gif

looking for a job
looking for a job
time is flowing as i'm going
looking for a job

Anonymous 268276


make a documentary about your job hunt and sell it online

Anonymous 271299

It's east even the retard like me can easily get a job

Anonymous 271355

Work at a convenient store or coffee shop


Dolls Anonymous 268955[Reply]

Does anyone collect dolls here? What kind of dolls?

I collect pullip family dolls but only isuls and dals because for some reason I dont really like pullips and taeyangs :D I have 3 ones started in 2017!
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Anonymous 269023

Never collected any because of how expensive it can get, but I always wanted to collect monster high dolls. Maybe I'll check secondhand. Do you buy new or used ones mainly?

Anonymous 269027

I have bought all the 3 as new because it is more limited what dolls are sold as used but if you can find the ones you want as used in good condition sure buy :D

Anonymous 269172

isn't that bit childish?

Anonymous 269175

I don't see any problem with having "childish" hobbies and interests, after all we're still adult and have much different perspective on it than kids.

Anonymous 271351

I collect Precious Moments figures


What are y'all's opinions on sadbabydolls? Anonymous 270314[Reply]

For those of you that don't know, "sadbabydolls" refers to a community of girls on Tumblr that call themselves "nymphets", obsessively skinwalk Nicole Dollanganger, and romanticize school shooters, deformities, and violence. However, they can also be very cute and friendly, and they are usually pretty nice to people on their blog/s. I honestly don't know what to think about these girl, because they are VERY problematic and sometimes weird, i.e. collecting teeth and locks of hair and photographing children's tombstones.Here are some examples:
I wasn't sure where else to ask about this because reddit never helps, hope this is okay!!
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Anonymous 270963

Anonymous 270974

kek i had this phase when i was 15. i was obsessed with nicole dollaganger and would reblog zero day gifs on my tumblr blog. safe to say it was just a phase, but it was one of the worst phases of my life.

Anonymous 270987

At least u didn't post cp like Nicole

Anonymous 271281

I'm traumatized by alida simone

Anonymous 271350

what do you think of this? Anonymous 266324[Reply]

Just saw this, don't know what to make of it really. ANyone else seen it
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Anonymous 266352


Anonymous 266375

seems like they ended up doing more research on distraught girls caught up in incel spaces on discord rather than femcelism itself
at least they make the point that femcels aren't inherently dangerous (because they aren't men) but those girls glorifying some to be shooter or so is gross
those girls need help, that's all they really highlighted

girls who hang around incels for acceptance create their own shitty fate, as in the same with people groomed by TRA's.
lonely people delving into whatever sphere for a means of social communication no matter the personal cost.

i think the terrible way those men interact with them keeps them around, alongside how shoddy and inferior those guys are, makes girls feel like they have some control on their relationship despite being degraded more
i hope they get help and that video highlights how stupid any girl is to hang around rampant woman hating freaks with no empathy for human beings. i hope they come to realize what they're doing to themselves

also loved the Lana del Rey and MLP featuring

Anonymous 266378

didn't watch, not giving views to these assholes and femcels are better than they will ever be

Anonymous 271305

What kind of femcel are they talking about 1/ whore who calls herself a femcel 2/ normie who calls herself a femcel 3/ fake misandrist 4/ femcel who hates herself cause men don't like her 5/ female voluntarily celibate

Anonymous 271347

I feel like it's just an a priori truth that a femcel or incel wouldn't have the self confidence to go on a public documentary and tell people they're a femcel/incel. Also, I've seen a ton of documentaries by this woman (and analogous trendy chav milennial hosts e.g. stacey dooley, cherry healey etc.). They're pretty fun, but nothing like louis theroux and considerably sillier.


Nature and Outdoors Anonymous 238704[Reply]

Thread is for all things outdoor and outdoor-life related. Do you feed any foxes? Birds? Corvids? Like to occasionally be a child and catch a gecko? Everytime I see something like a small snake outside I get excited. I like to feed herps crickets, etc, when I find them.

Anyone here into nature photography or jumping spiders? Or just hiking, beachgoing in general?

Discuss all things outdoors here.
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Anonymous 266760

Thank you for your service! o7

Anonymous 266949

I just started renting with a guy who owns the house and he keeps a beautiful garden that is absolutely filled with wildlife because it backs onto a fenced nature reserve. I started feeding the birds just a few days ago and I had no idea these beautiful frogmouths could be so tame. I hand feed them and they let me stroke their feathers. They even lean in and extend their necks to let me stroke their sides before they fluff up and take off. The bees, both honey and native, are so used to a human presence in the garden that they give us a wide berth and simply pollenate all the native flowers that've escaped the wildlife preserve to flourish here. I have a bittersweet feeling seeing two native bee nests here, knowing they're like calm refuges for them during their own little apocalypse.

Anonymous 266974

this is literally my dream

Anonymous 271302

Met squirrel

Anonymous 271334


Fledglings started appearing in my area! I love these little yellow-mouthed peepers! I hope no one would take them away from their homes to "save" them


Why do Gen z males have such horrid haircuts Anonymous 231441[Reply]

We should all carry electric razors so when we see these cuts we can chase them down and bzzzz zing
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Anonymous 270866

Scrubbing brush styles

Anonymous 270907

I also love when men look like this and I am tired of men being memed into trooning out because of simple things like having longer hair. Men really need a revolution that isn't transgenderism.

Anonymous 271000

I’m convinced that anyone supporting this haircut on others genuinely wants them to fail

Anonymous 271312

As long as they don't rape me I dont care

Anonymous 271322

Jesus every goddamn man in the Balkan region has this gangster-ass cut! Immediately signals to me that they're most likely a thug or even a criminal.


Anonymous 265879[Reply]

Look what YouTube is advertising to me, is it because I watch hazbin hotel or something

Anonymous 265965

Satan, Lucifer, demons, etc. are all memes. None of these losers worship the devil, they just want to seem different and hate their parents.

Anonymous 265974


Okay sure, but if people are using edgy occultist memes to take money from yuppies and con them into accepting basic life advice, I'm all for it.

Anonymous 265975

why are you watching hazbin hotel

Anonymous 271307

It recommended me something about healing your hearing loss and it was a picture of lemon juice being squeezed into an ear

Anonymous 271313

Lilith is real and possesed me

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