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Anonymous 271617[Reply]

Honest thoughts on the manosphere, redpill and blackpill?

>women aren't capable of loyal love

>women have nigh-destroyed the institution of family and marriage, abandoned their husbands, refused to have kids, and forced employers to hire them at gun point
>women are evil succubus that trap the weak-willed man
>white women intentionally trying to spread HIV/STD
>women's accountability (whatever that means coz no man has explained it coherently)
>she's not yours. it's just your turn
>basically an incel/porn addict echo chamber that has nothing good come out of it
>genuine burning desire is the only thing that matters. the ONLY thing that guides female behavior is sexual attraction. they are obsessed with sex. if she wants to fuck you, she will literally do anything for you, agree with your opinions, and love you. if she doesn't… you're not even a man in her eyes
>self-proclaimed alpha white males who lost competition in his home nation goes to SE Asia to cope
>younger girls (18-22) really like older guys (35-45), it is not just cope
>don't get married or have kids because you'll get divorce-raped, taken to court, accused of rape, and cheated on regardless or not if you begin a relationship with a woman. they're all evil bro
>a bunch of black grifters and ugly pickme women like pearl saying they hate women and most of what they say is hyper exaggerated bullshit

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Anonymous 271655

Xy fingers wrote this post, anyways, it's pure unfiltered cope through and through.

Anonymous 271659

It's not a movement any feminist (or just woman as a whole )should even waste time addressing.
Claiming to be "redpilled" serves as a useful signifier that the person you are talking to is so petulant, gullible and all around worthless that nothing they say should be acknowledged.
A lot of really stupid people (both moids and women) love to pretend to be Robert Putnam and theorize how the manosphere "gained traction" through some sort of "crisis" of masculinity and male isolation but the reality is that both Andrew Tate, and the hideous faggot on the left in your pic related both admitted to botting and offering to pay anyone who starts a clip page for them. (Which MrBeast praised as "very smart") So it can be entirely dismissed as inorganic.

Anonymous 271677

Remember when Boko Harams methods were seen as horrible, but are now being considered by the most unhinged ones?

Anonymous 271681

Proof that sexism is going to get worse than ever before in history. Pre teen boys are watching this shit and they’re all going to become incels or deranged control freak rapists. Sex slavery will be legal again in the next 50 years.

Anonymous 271689

>Basically the average male who was low on the male hierarchy always had somebody beneath him, so things were never bad enough to go testerical and revolt against the system.

This. These low-tier men used to have some sliver of self-worth derived from their domination and suppression of their wives, but now that women have other options, these men are cast beneath the very women they viewed as mindless objects. It makes sense that these men who are at the very bottom of the hierarchy either troon out or shoot up public places

When men get sent to prison we see the toxicity of this male hierarchy play out. The weakest men are similar to women in men's eyes, and therefore get the most abuse.
Society would have prison dynamics if it weren't for women keeping men in check (or by being their punching bags)

>Oh no Chad just insulted me and I'm too weak to fight back

>oh well at least I can go home and show my wife who's boss

Not anymore LOSERS


/dinner/ general Anonymous 271331[Reply]

What’s for dinner anons?
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Anonymous 271630

i had lasagna and a salad with goat cheese, it was really tasty.

Anonymous 271672


I cooked an egg

Anonymous 271676

>cooked vegetables
with a a single egg you have the power to walk for 1000 meters. or like 10 mins

Anonymous 271682


Anonymous 271686

Lentil soup

Screenshot 2024-01…

/soc/ boyfriend horror stories thread Anonymous 262279[Reply]

Anyone have any horror stories or just bad experiences with boyfriends they met on /soc/? willing to share my story if enough people care about this thread
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Anonymous 271285

I never talked to a moid once in my life besides them talking first to tell me >kys

Anonymous 271290

Why y'all retards talk to men

Anonymous 271524

Not quite /soc/, but my good (normie) friend broke up with her bf of like 3 years (they've broken up and gotten back together before) a few months ago, and she seems to have been spiralling about no longer having a 'boo' to dote over. She's been swinging from one guy to another on a local dating app and meeting a bunch of them one after another while still saying she wants a relationship, not just one nights. Literal, to put it impolitely, cock carousel.

I don't get it (tfw ace), is it really that pressing to have a moid in your life? She seems really disturbed by not having one

Anonymous 271526

Some people just don't know how to be alone with themselves.

Anonymous 271669

Are you the polish girl


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
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Anonymous 271644

I mean that's what she said isn't it?

Anonymous 271656


New Troon study: Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery
>With the growing acceptance of transgender individuals, the number of gender affirmation surgeries has increased. Transgender individuals face elevated depression rates, leading to an increase in suicide ideation and attempts. This study evaluates the risk of suicide or self-harm associated with gender affirmation procedures.
Tl;dr troons more likely to attempt suicide or self harm after their surgeries than before.

Anonymous 271664

Honestly don't understand why everyone is mad JK Rowling compared being trans to trying to become black because one likes stereotypically black things. Not sure if it's actually new or not but it just showed up in my tumblr feed.

Anonymous 271665

Why is it always black people getting dragged into these weird comparisons and hypotheticals though? Trannies randomly bring up black women, too.
Like, I've noticed it's never Indians or the Chinese people use for these things kek

Anonymous 271666


accountability thread Anonymous 181390[Reply]

Post long-term or short-term goals you have so other nonas can keep you accountable. Updates, honesty, and kindness are encouraged.
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Anonymous 229436

Which novel are you reading?

Anonymous 229727

It's an adaptation of a manga I like. It's different enough to be interesting but familiar enough to make understanding the Japanese a little easier. And all the names are in katakana.

Anonymous 266557

Set boundaries because I'm being gaslight, I need to stand the fuck up

Anonymous 269221

I passed N2, now I want to pass N1.

every day:
business japanese study
kanji study
bunpo (just review ok)
read something (novel, news, manga)
vocab anki (at least 5 cards)

multiplication anki (at least 5 cards)
game anki (at least 5 cards)

Anonymous 271662

updated my routine a bit:

bunpo app
akebi kanji practice
anki sets
read news or novel


Sons or Daughters Anonymous 216037[Reply]

Which would you prefer?
I could see pros and cons for both.
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Anonymous 271634

That's also bullshit you know it, a child needs two parents. Not one. A child raised by only one parent male or female child, male or female parent, will always turn out wrong. It is impossible for one parent to properly raise a child. And if those mothers were sweet, and kind, and good people that you propose they are the scrote who knocked them up would still be in their life.

Anonymous 271635

Or they would have gotten an abortion like a responsible adult.

Anonymous 271637

Who tf said anything about single parents? This happens to married parents too. People have free will and terrible personalities can absolutely come from nothing. Some people are just fucked from birth.

Anonymous 271657

It's probably a scrote. They have to shoehorn their hate for single mothers into everything. They also can't take responsibility for their actions and blame women for their faults.

Anonymous 271661

I’ll give you advice.
You need sons. Plural. SONS WITH AN S.
1 male son is the same as a daughter except destructive. You need at least 2 sons to fully benefit from the male race. 2 sons or more and you will be eternally protected from whatever bullshit life throws at you. Daughters offer no protection.

rape apes.png

Pinkpill Thread # 14 Anonymous 253807[Reply]

A thread for posting and discussing the feminist truth against males and their nonsense, as these truths would often get dogpiled and silenced on social media if not spoken anonymously.

Previous >>220726
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Anonymous 271614

>97% of rapes

Of course, only 25% of man have responsive desire, while the woman percentage is 85%

How do you rape someone while having responsive desire?

Anonymous 271623

>responsive desire
what does this even mean

Anonymous 271625

That stat is wrong, it's actually 100%.

Anonymous 271640

This is not the website to explain how to violently rape a man but it is doable for a woman. Rape still counts as rape even if you have to use tools rather than sheer force. Most rapist men also use tools or work in numbers.

If we're just memeing though, absolutely. 100% of rapes are committed by men, because men can't be raped. :^) They're always asking for it, literally.

Anonymous 271648

I read norwegian news daily and have never heard this quote. I tried to look for the original quote, but the link in the article just links to another article that doesn't mention it at all, it could be a fishy translation at best


I wish I was a lesbian Anonymous 253643[Reply]

I’ve tried dating women, I’ve tried to be less picky with the men I’m attracted to. But I’m hopelessly heterosexual with a high libido— but men are so exhausting and hard to deal with. I feel stuck.
I love men, I really do, despite all their flaws, but most days I wish I didn’t. I want a partner who gets me from top to bottom, inside and out, and every male partner I’ve ever had, even my current boyfriend who I am head over heels for and is an extremely caring and responsible guy, there’s just this veil of separation. It’s so hard to explain.
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Anonymous 271137

wait, does it pass on even in men?

Anonymous 271255

They're men so I guess no??

Anonymous 271293

No you dont

Anonymous 271626

yea, what I saw was that gay men had straighter sisters, and lesbian woman had straighter brothers, which i think makes sense.

Anonymous 271646

huh. that's interesting.

Indie Vtubers pandering to moids Anonymous 264745[Reply]

Please tell me that I am not the only one finding all those indie vtubers being called "based" for supporting loli porn? Everytime I see an indie vtuber there is always a thing about liking loli and using bad words like c*nny and if you are against it you are being called a tourist? The indie vtuber sphere seems to be grounded in pedobaiting and I was wondering why… But when we think about it even the corporations tend to do it. I really wanted to express how bad I feel about it
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Anonymous 270075

t. Loli vtuber

Anonymous 270087

No, but I do like some of em.

Anonymous 270091

/pol/ and /v/ almost always rank higher than /vt/, abeit not by a great extent

Anonymous 270129

Yeah and shooting games cause shootings.

Anonymous 271638

It goes:
Although /vt/ regularly becomes the fastest board on all of 4chan whenever there's a big Vtuber event on, like a big graduation or the big Holofes concerts and expo


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
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Anonymous 270672

Anonymous 270693

I am, but in the Okanagan. Grew up in the Lower Mainland though.

Anonymous 270695

you should drop your tag so people can add you and join instead i think it would be easier that way

Anonymous 270709


this is probably a male trying to get us to put our usernames out in the open

Anonymous 271636


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