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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 270175

Have you ever accidentally met someone who uses cc in person before? I have by chance and it made me realize how small the world can be (or how many people actually lurk here)

Anonymous 270183


Anonymous 270568

How did you find out they use cc?

Anonymous 270588

Nta but I used to sometikes browse cc during lecture on my laptop instead of taking notes when I was still in uni. I was never like hello fellow Stacyes pls notice this weird green website on my screen but I never attempted to hide it. If anyone knew about cc it’d be obvious but I was never confronted about it.

Anonymous 270590

It just came up in passing conversation. Such a random coincidence

Anonymous 270594

Yes I actually have completely by accident. One of my classmates in uni. She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

Anonymous 270606

>She was literally exactly how I would expect the average cc user to be like.

maybe its because Im new here but i'm not sure what the average cc user would look like? Maybe like the average 4 chan user but female edition?

Anonymous 270635

How was she?

Anonymous 270853

I know a girl who's pretty clear about hating men (and not in an unhinged way) and I feel like she'd fit well in here, but it's not something I'd ever ask about, obviously.

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