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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


Embarrassing things during lovemaking Anonymous 12320[Reply]

Post about embarrassing things that happened or "cringe" stuff that happened during lovemaking
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 13292

I got a cramp in my thigh in the middle of sex and we had to stop because it hurt so much.

Anonymous 13294

I usually get tired or sore after a bit and we have to take a bunch of breaks. Even my mouth gets sore after a bit.

Anonymous 13309

Queefing is so embarrassing but i got used to it. I’ve started farting a lot more during sex which is suuuuuper embarrassing though

Anonymous 13322

Trying to be creative with dirty talk occasionally leads to some cringy nonsense.
Last time my boyfriend was literally cumming and I'm croaking
>oh you little pervert, why are you fucking me in the ass here in broad daylight, what would your mother say
when his mother is dead and it's night and it isn't anal and he isn't even the one doing the fucking.
Then it was over and we just looked at one another blankly

Anonymous 13323


BASED or CRINGE? Anonymous 7998[Reply]

let's play a little game where we rate each others fetishes, the weirder the best. Have no shame and let your inner pervert shine out!
Let's start out with mine: men in pain. Based or Cringe?
136 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 13305

You’re cringe but you’re free

Anonymous 13307


I forgor mine. I like forced bi (me doing the forcing) pice very much related

Anonymous 13313

>tall women
>small boobs
>also boobs worship
>shy women
>pussy worship
>biting someone
>different nationality from mine (don't bully pls)
>foreign accents
>monster girls

I swear, I am not a tranny, just a cringe lezbo, we have trashy tastes too

Anonymous 13320

How can you be against omorashi but for pants pissing?

Anonymous 13321

PossumMachine did some art of this character Chromu getting her teeth removed. She's a pretty degen Korean artist, you should look her up.


Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143[Reply]

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
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Anonymous 13256

Same, I like the thought of a bunch of hot guys grabbing at me and holding me

Anonymous 13304


>I’ve gotten more sadistic
Is this you?

Anonymous 13308

No but it’s nice to see a kindred spirit

Anonymous 13311

emo boys turn me on so much, emo skinny asf boys who looks like jeff the killer…

Anonymous 13319

I don't care if this is fake, I am enjoying reading this immensely


Horny Thread Anonymous 3046[Reply]

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!
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Anonymous 13295

I want to take this guy I've been seeing to a secluded place and make him pretend I'm molesting him.
He'd probably agree to it since he's also unwell mentally but I have this feeling it's a bad idea. He is dying to have this sort of contact but I've been keeping us restrained.

Anonymous 13299

I am so horny rn I really want a hot older guy (like 40, I'm 20) to fuck me and tell me what a good girl I am and cum in me

Anonymous 13302

>>13216 me too!

Anonymous 13317

so you are right about all that in the first part but the conclusion is just stereotyping. now we're dating i kind of really want to have his babies but that's just infatuation and even if not that's literally just what i want and not some trick my uterus is playing on me.

Anonymous 13318

i'm back again. this did not work. i don't like that community, i feel nothing for/from it. some of my fantasy posts got attention there, and that lulled me into a false sense of belonging, but actually paying attention to what these people are like made me realize that i despise them. i didn't even bother to argue with them, it'd be like yelling at a brick wall. they're a bunch of gross, retarded, low-empathy moids, just like most of the internet but uncensored.

i somehow found one girl on another platform with the same kink. her posts described a lot of the same feelings i have. she even does the same dumb hyperspecific thing that i do. that got me really excited, but she went inactive. i feel like i'm seeking a sort of understanding that's just impossible to attain. i don't want to burden my boyfriend or destroy our relationship. i wish i knew why i turned out this way, and how to be normal. i might just go back to writing stories under a pseudonym and posting them on ao3.


Anonymous 2[Reply]

Can we have a nsfw cute guys thread?
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Anonymous 12186

Moids say they 'lift for themselves' then fly into a blind rage when you point out thin guys are sexier. imo being thin accentuates their masculine features, wide shoulders, narrow hips, adams apple, makes them look taller etc.

Anonymous 12338


I would like to thank y'all for making this thread, I have so many images saved in my computer now.

Anonymous 12354

It's basically all show with no actual muscle power to back it up, other men can tell that he is weak, making him a prime target of assault and rape

Anonymous 13264


I stole it from lolcow sorry

Anonymous 13314

This is so fucking hot. But why doesn't he cum????


Does realistic porn exist? Anonymous 13298[Reply]

Does realistic porn exist?

If you really think about it porn is strange, at porn movies male character A will do to female character B stuff that if someone did that to a woman she wouldnt feel aroused at this situation, yet people feel (or not) aroused by that when watching it.

Is there a movie where an real life woman would feel aroused and ok if she was the female character B at the movie?

PS: There is a movie where a male and female couple and a cameraman (or one of them is the cameraman) goes to the street and they pay other couple money to make sex with them. If those movies are true and the other couple arent actors this wouldnt count as realistic porn, because they would need to try this thing with many couples until they find one that is ok with it.

Anonymous 13303

No, because porn, by its very nature, is an attempt at turning an intimate and often awkward event into a highlight reel.

Anonymous 13306


Interesting take and also very Jean Baudrillard-esque

Screenshot 2024-01…

Anonymous 12540[Reply]

Shitty sex life vent thread

>What's wrong with your sex life? /What would you change?

>Is it you or your partner?

etc etc
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Anonymous 13140

he sounds like a closet sissyboy, like he reallym craves his little tooter being played with but doesnt want to believe that hes weak and gay

Anonymous 13263



Anonymous 13287

We've been together for nearly a year and while he has no libido at all, mine is just low. It's normally not a problem as he's fine to just kiss as I grind out an orgasm in bed with him every few weeks, but lately I've been having these intense fantasies about a guy and really craving real penetration. My bf agreed to try sex, but he just gets tired after 5 minutes and gives up. We're in this spiral where I'm feeling incredibly sexually active because of another guy, want to transfer those feelings towards my boyfriend, find he's sexually imponent, which only makes me resent him and increases my desire for the guy who's turning me on in the first place. What makes it worse is I can't avoid this guy and in talking to his ex learned he's fantastic in bed. I WILL MYSELF TO BE HORNY FOR MY BEST FRIEND BEDBUDDY, but it just doesn't seem to work.

Anonymous 13290

My partner and I just don't have time or space to have sex. We have a toddler, and on top of that, my partner is doing his PhD and also doing online tutoring to bring in some money. When I'm at work, he looks after our son, and vice versa, but also most of his spare time is spent tutoring or finishing the PhD. We're both just so stressed and tired all the time.

We've had sex maybe half a dozen times since my son was born a year and a half ago. He won't have sex at night while the baby is asleep in our room (we live with my parents for financial reasons, we are not well off), which is fair, but he also won't when anyone else could hear us, meaning any and all other opportunities are few and far between, and when we do he's always paranoid we'll be overheard.

I've resorted to masturbating late at night after he's fallen asleep. Tbh it would almost be hot if I didn't have that sad guilt of 'the love of my life is lying right next to me asleep and I'm rubbing myself'. I'd worried he was cheating on me but he just literally doesn't have the time.

I just want things to get better but it feels like the goal posts keep shifting.

Anonymous 13297

Allocate 10 mandatory minutes every day for benis in baggina


What you get when u eat out a woman on her period Anonymous 13293[Reply]

Anonymous 13296

Muntan Duw


Anonymous 13249[Reply]

Anyone else want this whole dynamic?

Anonymous 13252

you could find liek 10 000 retarded scrote who want it in 4chan larping-moid san

Anonymous 13288

>Have to be the constant pick-me-up for a miserable kid.
Yeah, I'm thinkin no. Plus I knew a woman who was in her late 30s dating a zoomer younger than me (though still legal, unlike Shinji). She was THE biggest moron I had ever met and it didn't seem to make her happy.

Anonymous 13289

Back for the rest.…

Anonymous 13291


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