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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 112764

im tired. I will never get taken serious BY MY FAMILY (put it in caps bc i think this only applies to my family :( if you are struggling like me you should seek help, really you are valid trust me.) when it comes to my ED, they just see me as someone insecure and make fun of me for that. They never took me serious because i have been maintaining for long, there was a point i lost 7kg within just 2 weeks and they got really worried but after i started maintaining they stopped caring and they just bodyshame me still im struggling so bad i dont know why they cant see it are they just ignoring me?? Im so confused. How do i get them to TAKE ME SERIOUS without losing a crazy shit amount of weight

Anonymous 112787

>How do i get them to TAKE ME SERIOUS without losing a crazy shit amount of weight

Nona, this is what happens to people who have self-victimized too much. The people around you grow numb to it.

The solution isn't to self-victimize even more, you look like some junkie that has just figured out that they now need an even bigger snort of crack to get the same effect.

Anonymous 112788

thank you, for your respond. Your right

Anonymous 112794

Losing weight to get attention is so cringe

Anonymous 112798

Its not for attention. I just want them to take my ED serious ive been struggling with MIA for 2 years

Anonymous 112805

I'm ngl if you are able to lose 7kg in two weeks at all it means you're still relatively healthy..

Anonymous 112837

There are other EDS than anorexia. Most people with bulimia are in the healthy weight range but that doesnt mean they are healthy itself.

Anonymous 112845

Expecting common ppl to gaf about your invisible mental illness is first world entitlement at its finest lol

Anonymous 112850

Wow, everyone is being an asshole to this nona for no reason. EDs are a real thing people struggle with.

Sadly, your family are assholes. I really hope you can get the support and help you need and

Anonymous 112891

I can't take anyone seriously who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

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