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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 113278

I've been friends with this guy for a while, and I like him and I've told him in pretty direct ways but he never turns me down. he also never really gives me the greenlight either. or maybe he has, but I'm too stupid to notice. I guess he's said some things that could come off as vaguely hinting at his interest but since it wasn't direct i don't wanna risk it. he's said stuff about not wanting to date before going off to college, but that he's considering something less serious. he's still scared of the idea of falling in love then having to leave. I don't think I take this all that serious, but the fact that I'm just left to want without any confirmation or denial is driving me crazy.

I think I'm okay with the idea of just dating for a little while, in a way that's not too serious. I feel like even a little bit of his affection would be enough.

Anonymous 113280

I think also this has potential to feed into my love for tragic romance stories:

1. he doesn't want me, while i'm left with no choice but to yearn/move on
2. he wants me, never tells me, and we both want each-other while nothing happens
3. he wants me, we have a sweet summer romance, he moves away and we both hurt over our losses

its horrible, but its still so beautiful to experience pain in such a sweet way.

Anonymous 113294

Hi anon, I had a similar situation begin in 2020. Following my confession, his rejection was also unclear and we had the most ambiguously romantic, emotionally intense, asexual, and confusing relationship I have ever experienced. My feelings for him haunted me for years, I only learned our "break up" was an actual break up this year and upon reuniting I was only tortured more.
What's more I only got to kiss him 4 years after we met, 2 years post-break up. And then he was abruptly out of my life forever.
Not saying it could go exactly like this for you, but please know that messing with ambiguity can be a nightmare. It is romantic in theory and would be a great movie, but it's terrible to live in real life. The unfulfilled feelings will gnaw at you until your insides rot.

Just stay platonic and find someone who wants to and can be with you, nona.

Anonymous 113301


we actually talked about it last night, and he told me that he actually did like me, but he's just not sure about dating because the whole falling in love then having to leave thing. i'm going to attempt to listen to you, but i'm pretty sure the moment he lets me im going to fold.

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