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Emo thread Anonymous 34360[Reply]

Share emo stuff that cuts you deep, nonas. Can be a song or an album.

>Sunset In Reverse - Ribbon Fix

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Anonymous 34395

Anonymous 34396

When I listen to this song I do a dramatic performance in my head.
There's a massive side of me that wants to do a drag performance of it at a local gay bar I frequent kek. It's so embarrassing

Anonymous 34430

Anonymous 34454

some real emo

Anonymous 34457

current music thread Anonymous 16[Reply]

What song can't you stop listening to these days?
What are your favorite artists/bands?
What type of music are you into?

Yt links to videos encouraged.
I'm not creative so here's a Suicide Sheep song I like.
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Anonymous 34443

Anonymous 34444

Anonymous 34446

have u listened to his new album?

Anonymous 34447

cant stop listening to magnetic by illit and the
cant name my favorite arists and bands bc there is too many of them for every genre i listen to….. but i mostly listen to kpop, exyu 90s dance music, dad rock, shoegaze, vkei (like buck tick and malice mizer), darkwave, gothic rock, balkan pop/rap/folk, jpop, idk what else to list

Anonymous 34455

love ur taste nona, similar to mine :)

Screenshot 2023-04…

Youtube thread Anonymous 32910[Reply]

Let's talk about youtubers we like and videos we watch!!!

What youtubers do you watch regularly?
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Anonymous 34427

I love Tangomushi! She covers old Japanese horror franchises with great retrospectives and commentary. Her videos are long and well researched so they don't come out too often but I'm always checking to see if she's posted something new. She takes these games from an unabashedly woman's perspective too which is nice to see cause most of these games deal with female-specific horrors. Haunting Grounds is an example of a game where her commentary exceeds anyone I've seen cover the game cause she had read so many more sources and being a woman she discussed the scares much better.
Another game channel I really like is "fakegamergirl" who does sims 4 content. It's cute and hilarious. She reviews dlc and creates cute builds and things

Anonymous 34435

This is what I was looking for. does anyone know any others like this one?

Anonymous 34436

is other forms of media less paraditic for you?

Anonymous 34445


I have been really liking creepcasts content, wendigoon & papa meat are a funny combo + chill long form videos

Anonymous 34448


i love watching mina lee's and olisunvia's video essays, i also watch cody ko's reaction videos that he uploads daily. also watch not even emily, kurtis conner, tara mooknee, vlad ncl, chad chad when they upload


Anonymous 24537[Reply]

What do you guys think of silent hill 3? I think it has the best female protagonist out of any vidya. I relate to Heather so much it hurts.
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Anonymous 28942

Okay DDR Exreme for PlayStation 2 and you can do the dance and see the music video sung by “her” (really Mary McGlyn but she lip syncs) for “You’re Not Here”. There’s also a song from SH4 and other Akira tracks.

Anonymous 28954

>1-3 are probably the only games worth their salt
I know this is an old post, but for me 4 is pretty good. For me it was the one that scared me the most. The bad part about the game is that you have to go back through all the maps in a scourt mission, but the game and story are good

Anonymous 29040

The only people who treat SH2 as the greatest thing since sliced bread are the game jouros, the same morons who think TLoU2 is some empowering story. Everyone else treats the first or third game as the best, with honorable mention to The Room.

>I've seen a lot of people say sh3 is shallow and basic in comparison to 2
The only context I've seen that comparison being made was in regards to how you explore the same area of Silent Hill as in the second game.

Anonymous 30053

SH3 is the best! I love Heather so much

Anonymous 34441

They did, horror games have always been extremely popular with women but the devs don't know that so it's marketed towards teen boys like always


Vtuber Anonymous 30347[Reply]

Have any of you tried or are vtubers? How is it?
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Anonymous 32563


Moids would experience existential crisis if they discovered that a real living human being is behind their fictional parasocial girlfriend.

Anonymous 32567


Most of those comments seem genuinely worried about her not upset about the real girl.

Though you're probably right that most of them wouldn't care without the avatar.

Anonymous 33103


I’m a VTuber. I hate moids even more since I started, I’ve never been that close to a male community before and sometimes I can’t understand their logic and how they act. But it’s good money, and I actually have fun playing games and being silly.

Anonymous 33109

>most of the comments are expressing concern for her privacy or employment
I don't understand what this picture is supposed to demonstrate.

Anonymous 34440

There's a niche for most. Botan and Selen (now Dokibird) have plenty of fans, and they're absolutely cracked gamers


Kingdom Hearts Anonymous 32457[Reply]

What's the best way to get into the series? The games, the manga or the light novels?
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Anonymous 32461


Games, just play in release order. The manga adaptations are cute but don't give the complete story, they're supplemental.

Anonymous 32662

Just play 1, 2, BBS and 3. The story is a horrible nonsensical mess even if you play all the other games so save yourself the trouble by not playing the worst.

Anonymous 32663

Play the three core games then read the Wiki to fill in the blanks.

Anonymous 32664

Play the games in release order (remasters are fine). But I must warn you: this series is extremely dumb and chuuni and beyond cringe if you're no longer in your teens.

Anonymous 34433


Don't listen to the cynics. There's dumb plot stuff but it's all part of the wild ride and you can easily look past it and have fun if you see it that way and get invested enough in the characters


Writers of Novels Anonymous 34329[Reply]

Nonas, are any of you writers for fun? I'm writing a horror novel rn centered around college-aged girls and women's rights rn
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Anonymous 34389

how ironic is it from a scale of 1-10?

Anonymous 34390


It's kind of like Rosemary's Baby and a woman's but modern and set in Texas. More of a Hispanic spin on a tale about abortion.

I'm also working on a piece about furries in the hood that started as a joke but is now evolving into something bigger about social justice and themes of shame.

Anonymous 34392


>Garfield makes a wish to become human
>Leaves John and Odie to live his own life as a human
>Realizes he's only happy around John and starts falling in love
>Without Garfield to take care of John decides to marry Liz and start a family
>Garfield confesses his feelings to John but is immediately rejected
>Garfield wishes he could be with John despite the rejection
>He turns back into a cat and time reverses before he made his wish
>The End

Anonymous 34394


This is actually bittersweet and sounds angsty yet yummy. Requesting an Odie-John one sided rival pairing :3
Also same.
And I feel it. I genuinely write a surprising amount for my little amount of time between college and my part time, but I end up deleting a LOT of fluff. It's hard not to feel stuck sometimes, and like there just isn't enough time.

Smoking weed helps me stretch it out a little longer tbh

Anonymous 34425

Im trying to write one but it just comes out as incoherent passages that don't really connect about a sad and troubled woman. I don't want to be self inserty and base it off my own life too much but they do say write about what you know


horror / psychological anime Anonymous 34411[Reply]

what's your favorite horror or psych animes to watch or recommend?

Anonymous 34412

Casshern Sins

Anonymous 34413

Berserk makes me sad and angry every time I think of it

Anonymous 34415

Midori is the most disturbing anime I've come across

Anonymous 34416

Malice Doll

Punk Rock Anonymous 21950[Reply]

Which punk/pop punk/hardcore whatever bands do you like? Some of my favorites are Bad Religion, Ramones, New Found Glory, and Screeching Weasel
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Anonymous 27497


pencey prep, leathermouth, black flag, sum 41, (early) my chem

Anonymous 27516

this is post punk but I fucking love siouxsie and the banshees.

Anonymous 27518


should i make a my chemical romance thread, idk if there are enough mcr fans on here though?

Anonymous 34084

This came on my Spotify shuffle and I loved it

Anonymous 34409


Noise rock Anonymous 33003[Reply]

any other nonas into noise rock? I'm into it but it often feels like a sausage fest.If you are into noise rock, what's your favourite band, song, album, weird way of playing instrument

Anonymous 33004

>favourite noise rock band
The Birthday Party
>Favourite noise rock song: Sleep Alone by Rowland S Howard
favourite noise rock album:Songs About Fucking honestly
>weird way of playing the instrument
The way Blixa Bargeld used to play guitar,just torturing it because he hated it

Anonymous 34387


Do JAMC count?

Anonymous 34400

how about just pure noise instead?

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