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Watching cartoons while on codeine and xanax Anonymous 34365[Reply]

Need some cartoon recommendations to watch in a semilucid dream state

Anonymous 34383


i’ve been rewatching invader zim lately

Anonymous 34386

My Little pony Friendship is magic.
Littlest Pet Shop.
Dan Vs.

Anonymous 34398

The Problem Solverz

Anonymous 34399


I watched one episode and died from an epileptic seizure. 10/10

Screen Shot 2022-0…

Who is your "omg literally me" character Anonymous 29125[Reply]

173 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34347

Oh she's my celebrity look-alike so it's cool to know she's cool.

Anonymous 34353


I'm so mad at myself for taking me so long to watch The Looney tunes show when they had a version of Lola Bunny that is so much like me. At imo is the only entertaining version of her I've seen.

The show in general is great if you haven't watched it I highly recommend it.

Anonymous 34355


Tired, religious, and just wants to die? All in.

Anonymous 34356


Definitely her

Anonymous 34371

LOL i guess we are the same person


Bandcamp music Anonymous 34309[Reply]

Does CC get music from Bandcamp? Share your good find/your Bandcamp collection here.

>Central - Vanishing Muffin https://shorediverecords.bandcamp.com/album/central

My current favorite. Described as "…band for fans of The Jesus and Mary Chain, My Bloody valentine and Black Tambourine."

Real good shit

Anonymous 34310

I do but I've stopped going on it because I've been using another form of escapism.


albums Anonymous 32737[Reply]

whats your current favorite album(s)?
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Anonymous 34325

Anonymous 34341


Anonymous 34342

Anonymous 34357


Anonymous 34359

cat piccc.jpg

Gender critical/Transphobic books Anonymous 34336[Reply]

Trying to figure out some books to buy to put in the free/community library in my neighborhood to peak new people. What are your recommendations?

Anonymous 34338

No offense, but if you need to waste time reading entire books to realize trannies are freaks, you must be mentally disabled yourself.

Anonymous 34339


Irreversible damage for sure
Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality
The Abolition of Sex: How the "Transgender" Agenda Harms Women and Girls
Unfortunately these three are obviously anti transition so you'll mostly peak adults interested in seeking new points of view but it should be good for those who are not lost in the sauce but blindly follow the trans narrative to "be nice"

Anonymous 34351



Forms of communication outside of discord Anonymous 33379[Reply]

Hello I am currently like totally tired of Discord it has been a complete mess for me lol

So i've started using XMPP and Mumble idk if anyone else uses that?
25 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 33405

>imageboards are also usually full of troons
thats why i only use crystal cafe kek

Anonymous 33406

cc is full of troons and moids too, like over half of the userbase is one or both

Anonymous 33408

this is why i use fc even though i’m not very interested in yaoi. it hasn’t been invaded by males so much yet. shame they killed the yume and s stuff though. those were the best boards.

Anonymous 34156


Op here

Okay lol i finally made a few friends on xmpp and it has been amazing wtf

Anonymous 34340


Kraina Grzybów TV Anonymous 34337[Reply]


Self-post Thread? Anonymous 2236[Reply]

Mods/admin, please remove if inappropriate.

I was wondering if you ladies would be interested in a self-post thread so that we can share social media that you'd want other miners to follow and connect with.

There's already a discord thread so I guess that leaves us with everything else: twitter, insta, tumblr, snapchat, LINE?

If others are eager for the idea, I'll share my links below.
34 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 34138

Yeah, I kinda feel you. Decarabia is a good boy, but his design could be way better.

I KNOW, RIGHT? Back in the day, he was my demon husbando.

Anonymous 34319

I would self-post but I don't want it to be public knowledge that I post here or even lurk. Sorry ladies.

Anonymous 34323

yeah me too, I have no problem with anons here seeing my main social media, but the people from tumblr would crucify me if they knew I frequented the terf 4chan

Anonymous 34326

honestly I'm not even a full-on TERF, (I do condemn prostitution and consider myself gender critical) but visiting a website even being open to ANY gender critical discussion is grounds for cancellation on like 90% of the internet. So, while it would be lovely to share my social media with women who are likeminded, I must refrain. Orwellian shit, tbh

Anonymous 34334

ayrt exactly


Anonymous 32379[Reply]

Cue the worst game with the shittiest fanbase of the year.
80 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 33672

Anonymous 34031

I'm really proud of the internalized misogyny in this thread! It's not like the developer is a woman making modest short stories for fun, nononononono this game is a moid propaganda piece for manic pixie dream girls—never mind that this is an otome horror game, where ANDREW is the manic pixie dream boy and the manipulator, not Ashley.

Anonymous 34160

I've seen an impressive number of women on youtube saying that the negative response this game has garnered represents the "death" or "decline" or "fall" of "media literacy."
Some of these women make good cases and some of them make very bad cases, but for some reason or another most of them make very, very Millennial cases. Even if they're Gen Z women themselves there's a very strong tendency to point to the irony-poisoned and or audience-antagonistic media of the mid-90s to early-2010s and argue that it was too sophisticated to be understood by a modern audience. And it does make some sense, there are ways in which the game captures some of the feel of a period piece about the deviantArt days despite it being obviously inspired by Wuhan Novel Human Coronavirus 2019 SARS-II The Revenge.
But, even if that's true, even if we concede the idea that audiences have lost the detachment and abstraction and culture of irreverence necessary to appreciate millennial art - is it really worth bringing back?

Behold the response to "Interior Semiotics." A 2010 performance art piece representing the depths of millennial feminist ironic art (using Northrop Frye's classification system referring to art in "The Ironic Mode."). Interior Semiotics consisted of the artist, Natacha Stolz, opening a can of expired spaghetti-os, rubbing them over her shirt, masturbating, and urinating in a can. This represented the futility of the attempt to elevate existence above itself through art, the degradation of art through contact with inherently degrading subjects such as sexuality, the perversion of art appreciators whose true interests are prurient rather than analytical, and the degradation of women by and for a perverse audience and the position of women being entrapped on one side by a hypocritically perverse audience and on the other by repressive patriarchal norms. It does this by… just… being it. Very plainly performing that role, but with the expectation that you understand that it understands that role and understands that you understand th–
In front of a gathering of art appreciators who were themselves too eager to play the role of eiron to understand that their engagement with the piece was part of the piece. "Yay, art." The scrote who said that at the end there genuinely believed he was witty. And perhaps he was, if he understood the piece and understood that you also understand the piece and understood that you uPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 34161

cute couple

Anonymous 34332

both of the characters are unlikeable, the sister is annoying and the brother doesn't keep his sister in line after she sends threats to his gf and goes "Oh but I can't control her" when he has every opportunity to tell her not to treat his gf like that, there's murder and cannibalism but it isn't graphic enough to appeal to the people who are really into that shit
it's possible to write characters who are flawed/outright bad people but still make them interesting and the game rly fails to do that smh


Otome Games Anonymous 143[Reply]

Anyone else here who’s a fan of Otoge?

>English Otome Games


>Otoge Subreddit


Remember to tag your spoilers!
168 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 25330


>with sexual content

>80 results
lmao, even

Anonymous 25411

Are you laughing because it's too few? Yeah, the number of R18 otome that is actually good and translated is disappointing.

Anonymous 25490

Anonymous 27284


my actual boyfriend.

Anonymous 34321


Anyone playing love&deepspace?
I'm loving all the activities you can do with the romances like take pictures with them and "spending time" with them such as studying or working while they are doing their own thing. The story is pretty interesting and I'm enjoying it. I also love the dates you can go on with the guys so much. There's just so much side romance content it's fantastic.
Rafayel is my favorite with Xavier as a close second. Rafayel just feels made for me though. A hot artist who flirts and plays with you but has clearly fallen hard already. My pictures of him are some of my favourite things right now. They just bring me joy

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