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Radio stations Anonymous 20811

I've been into radio.garden as of late. I'm also interested in other good and/or interesting radio stations that are available online. Take a look and share if you come across something nice!

Some things I've found
French pagan music — http://radio.garden/listen/witches-radio/KFzzEoqv
Post-Soviet space age pop — http://radio.garden/listen/soviet-wave/GEjt7pxT
NYC payphone calls — http://radio.garden/listen/payphone-radio/Vqbk96aA
I'd also recommend Shirley & Spinoza Radio but it's increasingly hard to reach for some reason.

I'm especially interested in radio channels playing Asian oldies, I occasionally think I've finally come across some but every single one of them has been just a temporary program.

Anonymous 20812

Anonymous 20840


This is a really cool website!

Anonymous 21022

The "new" WQXR station in New York is not bad.
It was originally the Classical station (and my go-to) for years, I used to listen to it nightly far back as ~2011, but they just moved it to a different station now and renamed it WQXW. The new station now is called "New Sounds" and plays experimental or 'different' stuff.

I found this song on that station - this can give one an idea of the type of music you might hear here

Anonymous 34083

These revolve around the same genre (shoegaze, dreampop, post-punk, etc):
DKFM https://decayfm.com/
Big Sonic Heaven https://www.bigsonicheaven.com/
Ignoreradio https://ignoreradio.com/wp/
Ear Drum Buzz https://www.eardrumbuzz.net/

And this one is inspired by John Peel:
Dandelion Radio http://dandelionradio.com/

Anonymous 34158

soma.fm is the bomb. I like the groovesalad, the trip and the suburbs of goa stations the most. they've been running for ages and are consistently high quality listening. they have a ton of stations, so give them a look over.

Anonymous 34159

Gosh this takes me back to the shoutcast and Di.fm era

If the site gave you the song info it would be perfect

Anonymous 34293

For me, it's Secret Agent and Illinois Street Lounge.

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