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Anonymous 9849[Reply]

Are we really surprised that a freemason used their connections to commit crimes?

Anonymous 9858


Sid fillery is a master mason, I STG so many of them are creeps


Coffee Reading Anonymous 9846[Reply]

Any nonas here interested in Turkish Coffee Reading? I have a cezve my mom gave me and have tried it before but only have Arabic coffee on hand and not sure if it makes good results.

Feel free to share tips and resources.


Anonymous 1887[Reply]

What do anonettes on CC think of Tulpas?
I'm oddly fascinated about the subject but all the opinions I've seen have been mostly male dominated. Usually of them trying to bring their waifu into some sort of reality.
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Anonymous 9773

you type like a moid, tranny

Anonymous 9774

i will self-induce schizophrenia and you cant stop me

Anonymous 9779

by disagreeing with the idea that a woman should limit her behaviour based on what makes her look old, you think i'm a tranny? please use your brain, anon.

Anonymous 9780

You've got fantastic reading comprehension.

Anonymous 9823


Does tulpas just start talking back after you think about them or is there something more you need to do? I have a vivid imagination and i need a hot tulpa bf


Karma Anonymous 3394[Reply]

Any thoughts on karma, miner?

There are Indian religious schools that teach about karma. Westernized the concept is simplified as a rule of cause and effect, reaping what you're sowing, doing good and therefore experiencing good and vice-versa doing bad and experiencing bad.

There is also: good karma, bad karma and neutral karma (not to be neglected, you don't have to be all good and some good can even be bad, think helper-syndrome and/or self-exploitation).
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Anonymous 6873

Former Buddhist here (family’s religion) and I’ve always doubted the whole karmic retribution thing until I’ve seen what happened to people who wronged me (in this life, current timeline). Mom was extremely abusive and violent towards me and my brother, dies in a car crash. Ex gf who was abusive, triggered my panic attacks, and mocked the people with mental illnesses now has developed anxiety and has panic attacks from time to time. Do you think these are legit examples of karma irl?

Anonymous 6879

I don't rely on karma. If it's worth it I'll try to have my revenge, if it's something petty I'd rather forget it, why waste your energy on dumb shit

Anonymous 9016

Uhh alright, I shall humbly share some of what I know:

So the word Karma, comes from Kar(action) and Man(to think). What does this mean?

As it's known, in many creeds there is the idea that God is everything and everyone, and so we are god experiencing ourselves. That would also mean that we have the ability to co-create the world together.

And Karma is exactly that: The result of our thoughts in the world. So if for example one says: "Oh I want a house", well because of your own divine ability to create (although most are unware of it while living human lives), you will start shaping the world so an opportunity of getting that which you wanted, comes. Now we tend to think of Karma as some divine judgment, because everything to exist needs it's positive and negative. So you get to have a house, but now you have to take care of it, so if something breaks, you have to pay. If a better job opportunity comes in another city, you have to stay because your house has a heavy tax connected to the bank, and all the many chores that owning a house can entail.

And all of this comes from a single thought. This is why they say "Becareful of what you wish"

Now you can learn to better handle your ability to create by becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts, and that is when you transform your Karma in Dharma, from Dhar(to hold) and Man(thought), so it's basically the thoughts you are already aware of and thus are unlikely to come bite you later like the unconscious ones.

Anonymous 9608

I think I am being humbled by the universe. For saying and doing bad things. I believe this is part of everyone’s path. Little instances only known to them. There is not a single bad thing I’ve ever done that hasn’t come back to bite me somehow. Gets me to get my act together. I feel so embarrassed of myself.

Anonymous 9812

I am currently in a bad karma cycle. I am washing away my sins of a bad karma that I am facing for things I did/said. Similarly, I recently put out some bad energy into the universe that I know will cycle back to me eventually. I just want to start my good karma cycle. I am ready to wash away my bad karma and start fresh again.


Anonymous 1430[Reply]

Do you believe in Aliens?
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Anonymous 9767


my Christian faith leads me to believe God did not create aliens. He created us, the whole universe, everything in it. Feel like He would say something about aliens idk

Anonymous 9771

do you listen to redscare nona

Anonymous 9775

I'm confident there's like bacteria or viruses or similiar microtiny lifeforces are out there. Not sure about any intelligent lifeforces. And tbh idgaf. As long as aliens aren't paying for or threatening my basic needs/existence it's completely uninteresting to me wether they exist or not.

Anonymous 9777


Aliens and demons are the same thing. I mean what do you think are beings that possess, abduct people, and reveal them secret knowledge?

Anonymous 9778

There's probably alien crabs somewhere. Look up carcinisation.


Anonymous 2679[Reply]

Do you think Epstein was whacked or that he faked his death?
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Anonymous 5862

>That level of society protects its own.

Anonymous 5863

Creepy male agents whose job is intelligence assigned to the 4chan disinformation copy paste, this dead fake site as well

Anonymous 5866


cc moves slow as a glacier, why not bump old threads? topic is still relevant and i thought it would be fun to discuss since it's been so long

are we really gonna pretend like elite men don't look out for each other? we literally live in a patriarchy. we know low-ranking moids will band together to cover each other, why would the ones with power be any different?

the body they dragged out there doesn't even look that much like Epstein, it was such a low effort fake

these responses are silly as shit

Anonymous 5867

"elite" (barf) moids only give a shit about other "elite" moids when they benefit from them in some way. if they're a liability or could potentially blackmail them, they'll be the first to stab each other in the back, or tie the noose, as in the case of epstein. males are psychopathic bio-robots who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves, and rich ones are no exception.

Anonymous 9770


all I know is that when his client list is about to see the daylight, THATS when "aliens" will come


Manifestation Anonymous 8827[Reply]

>what are you manifesting?
>what are your methods?
>what have you already successfully manifested?
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Anonymous 9100

It would absolutely work! You can manifest anything. I’ve never personally tried that. I’ve written down certain features and interests. That’s worked for me.

Anonymous 9569


Can you provide a link to the YouTube guide please?

Anonymous 9571

The raccoon speaks the truth, you all need to take your meds.

Anonymous 9583


Anonymous 9738

Anon I need you to post that guide.


Anonymous 989[Reply]

Any experience with Angels?
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Anonymous 8880

Anon that you both replied to here, glad I decided to come back to cc. I forgot I even made that post. Third man factor seems fitting. I have a couple of friends who experienced similar, but for them it was a family member who was watching over them.

Anonymous 9663

Are you still around?

Do you still want such a thing?

Anonymous 9669

Yes and yes. I see angel numbers all the time and still no angel boy. Not yet at least.

Anonymous 9674


[email protected]

Email me for discord, we should talk.

Anonymous 9686


Have anything interesting to share?


Maui fires Anonymous 9665[Reply]

Am I the only one that thinks the fires were fake? Or that they did them to steal land and abduct people to traffick them?

Anonymous 9667

It’s easier to traffick people without arson. Brings too much heat.

Anonymous 9668

Anonymous 9681

Why would we need to covertly steal the land when we could just do it blatantly?

Ricky Rodriguez and the danger of cults Anonymous 9666[Reply]

Who was seen this documentary about this guy that was subjected to ritualistic abuse and went insane?

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