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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


rage Anonymous 110964[Reply]

Anyone just have lots of rage and general contempt for everyone around them? Ignore the random image
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Anonymous 111124

Wow the magical number GET!!
Thank you monster arctic fox!!

Anonymous 111128

95% of Internet is ragebait nowadays. If you're terminally online, you're training your brain to rage as the first reaction to any/most things. So yeah, rage is all you feel because that's all you feed yourself with.
tl;dr: touch grass.

Anonymous 111131

blessed GETsteal bot

Anonymous 111966

Yes. My anger is often a result of my sadness becoming too overwhelming

Anonymous 111973

I really really like this image.


Having a sibling that is more popular than you Anonymous 111251[Reply]

Do any of you have an older or younger sibling that grew up more popular than you? Maybe they were deemed the golden child and had been given more attention by your parents or maybe they just had better luck in school. They seem to have more friends, got a relationship before you, have better looks etc. How does it feel to be the overshadowed sibling and how do you find ways to cope?
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Anonymous 111521

>lock me in the closet.
Oh darling its ok lying to yourself but…. We all know that closet wasn't locked at all.

Anonymous 111525

I wish I could slap you for responding to my post like this. die die die die

Anonymous 111527

I also am the inferior older sister who looks like dad with sister who has model hot moms looks, but instead of her ending up bipolar, I ended up bipolar. It's so much fun being the trainwreck sibling who lives with her parent when she's flourishing in law school and fucking hates me and is basically a high functioning sociopath

Anonymous 111536

My brother, sister and I were all bullied in school…except when my brother hit puberty he got tall and cute and even 20 years later still has women all over him. Sister and I never grew into our looks and she's probably still a virgin like me. She's mostly only friends with our cousins while I have no friends. My parents had the genes to produce attractive, alpha tier sons so that meant mannish, awkward girls

Anonymous 111971

>Her being adorable is the reason our loaded step-dad agreed to marry our mum
>suddenly developing rapid cycling bi-polar
>rampaging libido
I was bracing myself while finishing your post, thought you were about to reveal molestation story…

As for me
>grew up calm, golden child, excelled in school
>brother adhd demonchild, professional liar (negative)
>now broke neet, no friends, cycle between barely suppressed rage and depression
>brother rich successful adult, beloved by all, zenlike temperament
>finance bro aka professional liar (positive)


Anonymous 111847[Reply]

Gf broke up with me because of my own issues with being mentally unstable…I've been talking to this person with the same illness I have and they make me so happy but they live an hour away…what do I do?? I feel so sad I was in the hospital for trying to attempt suicide but it didn't work…however the person I am talking to makes me feel amazing..like a brand new individual what am I supposed to do?? this isn't me asking for dating advice just a simple rant about my life

Anonymous 111863

I wish the people who make me feel happy lived only an hour away. Take advantage of your luck and visit each other. Be good friends and see what happens from there.

Anonymous 111902

Thanks anon..it’s been hard trying to get back with her…I love her but I’ve done horrible things i hope she lives her best life..I know she cares about me a lot she’s just tired but still…miss her lots…so I feel like loving others is wrong haha!!!

Anonymous 111909



Methodical approaches to making friends Anonymous 111668[Reply]

i've basically struggled with finding friends my entire life. pardon me because this post isn't going to be the most well written, but i thought there should be a thread for actually building a social life. imageboards and the internet are fun, but i am slowly coming to the point in my life that online social media isn't really fulfilling enough. i still think there's an important purpose to it, but i thought that people who have bad social skills or are not intuitively good at making friends should have a place to seek guidance or feedback.
anyways, here are my ideas and why i thought they'd be good. keep in mind i don't have friends yet, so any input or things to add are welcome:
> multiplayer gaming
if someone is into the same games as you, that gives you an opportunity to bond over a shared experience, utilizing both teamwork and competitive activity.
> the library/meet up/volunteering events
this could be good for ensuring theres shared interests between people, making it so you're likely to have shared values and things to talk about. it also is community-oriented, which could mean that there's a "broader purpose" to any potential friendships overall.
> conventions
this one im not too sure of since i dislike crowded places, but conventions good be a good way of finding like minded people.

any other thoughts or ideas?
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Anonymous 111672

Not to derail your thread, but I've been alone so long that I'm completely unable to bond with others, no matter how much effort the other party puts in. They'll always feel like a stranger to me.

Anonymous 111823

I don’t really want friends. My experience has been that they will use you for entertainment even if at your expense, or they only keep in contact with you because they want something from you and aren’t interested in being a real friend. I’m content to be alone mostly, so it doesn’t bother me. I’d be open to friendship built on sharing ideas or experiences together, or having a kindred soul to share things with, but there are too many sociopaths and users for me to want to look for friends actively. If I happen to meet someone who is independent, functional, not a drug addict/poor/lazy/idiot, and we have some things in common or good discussions, I would be open to friendship. I’m content to focus on other things for now though.

Anonymous 111861

how do i enroll in a presential course? i always thought taking an in person class for something would be a great way to find new people but i'm unsure how to go about doing it and what's the most "popular" way. i see some workshops being offered by my local library but it seems to be for kids or elders.

Anonymous 111866

Depends on where you are but you can try asking in the library for other sort of events? Maybe they can guide you, being a cultural institution and all that.

And if not the meet up idea is fine too, if you go regularly you might achieve the same.

Anonymous 111896

yes lets autismify friend making


Who else lives like this? Anonymous 110389[Reply]

This isn't my picture, but it's the way I live.
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Anonymous 111845

My bedroom looks similar to this. I'm ashamed to say it. It's a small room too so it shouldn't be hard to keep it clean n tidy right? Except I own a lot of stuff that I don't know what to do with and I don't want to throw it all away…

Anonymous 111850


Anonymous 111854

It does NOT take effort to not live like tgey do in picrel. It is ridiculously easy to pick up things left out everyday once a day. Clean counters when they're gross.

I don't make my bed, I don't always have a sink without some dishes in it, god I don't even fold my clothes i put clean clothes in one basket and dirty in another. (unless they can easily wrinkle then I hang them in my closet). But I sure as hell put things away everyday. Vacuum the floor. Take out trash. Use dishwasher. It takes like 20 mins out of your fucking day. You don't need a detailed cleaning schedule or a plan you just tidy up when mess annoys you and your house doesn't become an abomination like that. My house is not super clean though. That is not the goal. COZYNESS and enjoying where you live is the goal. Cleaning feels like a return to cozyness. It is the feeling of cozyness itself. My home looks lived in. I have cat toys around the floor. OH NO. It takes very little effort.

Anonymous 111855

ew you're a grown adult get off your ass and clean after yourself

Anonymous 111857

Cleaning isn't really a 'chore'either unless you start forcing yourself into this elaborate list and schedule. Returning your house to coziness is calming and rewarding. It is like popping bubblewrap or using a zen sand rake.


i feel so inadequate compared to bf Anonymous 111194[Reply]

i don't know how to deal with it. he's just better than me in everything. it would be fine if it was in things idgaf about but now i get so envious. for example i've been trying to learn german for years while he speaks 5 languages. he's way more academically gifted than me, more extraverted and charismatic than me, a quicker thinker than me etc.

Anonymous 111654

It's just impostor syndrome, don't worry
You can always ask him, you might be surprised about how highly he thinks of you too

Anonymous 111659

Stopped reading there

Anonymous 111661

You shouldn't feel the need to be better than him, maybe thats why you two r together? Because of your diffrences. Besides yr just a girl so

Anonymous 111666

when will we learn to just report moids and ignore?


I hate everything Anonymous 111660[Reply]

I don't know what to make out of my life. All i do is stay inside and do nothing, i have no job, no school, no friends in real life. Literally what do i do?? I tried to get a job but they don't want me, friends? I fucking hate everyone because theyre inherently retarted to a point where i would rather disassociate myself from them. Wtf do i do? I just want to be happy. I could maybe spend time on a hobby but i don't know what. I tried out everything

Anonymous 111663

Well, you know there's always the possibility of taking drugs so you mellow out, but that may just be me.

Also, what do you mean, you tried to “get a job”? You'd have one already if you truly wanted one. I don't think you're uber stunted that you wouldn't be able to get a job in the braindead sectors.

Anonymous 111665

I have a job a school and a boyfriend and I still also feel depressed so maybe that has nothing to do with it


Anonymous 111561[Reply]

Did anyone else here never have friends? My whole life I struggled with fitting in and the best I could do was hanging out with people at school but after that I never saw anyone. I've never really seen someone else like myself, usually they have/had at least 1 friend.

Anonymous 111589

i'm probably the problem but thanks to my autism i have trouble seeing others as my "friends". acquaintances at most. i can confidently say i have one actual friend maximum. who also has no friends besides me.

Anonymous 111590

yeah I feel like I'm literally uncapable of having one.

Closest I have been to make friends was at one job I had with more extroverted people than usual, but naturally drifted apart when we moved on

Anonymous 111594

>who also has no friends besides me.
I read this to mean: "who else has me as their only friend"

I have no close friends. There are people whom I like and who like me, but I mostly feel a disconnect with them. They do things without me, but that doesn't bother me because they don't do it to exclude me. I'm not the right person for most things and they probably don't immediately think of me. I also don't immediately think of them for doing the things I want to do. Mutually alone.


Anonymous 109669[Reply]

nonas in third world countries and misogynistic patriarchal societies how do you navigate through the daily struggles of living in a such society without becoming extremely depressed and suicidal?
as soon as I started to understand the world around me as it is in my early teenage years and how women are looked down upon, objectified for their bodies, abused in my family and around me it took a huge toll on my mental health especially after I started getting sexually harassed and cat called whenever I went outside, so I isolated myself from the external world as a coping mechanism and I became chronically online which didn't help as I continued to delve more into feminism and how badly this world is fucked for us women. I've tried to speak about it to my mom and my friends but it I always end up feeling like the crazy one because nobody seems to understand what I'm talking about even if the endless struggles are very much real yet they're all brainwashed by our culture and religion to think that men are not the problem.
I'm just wondering if you're dealing with this too what are your coping mechanisms and how do you go on about your day hearing misogynistic and sexist shit from men and women all the time?
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Anonymous 109951

Anonymous 109963

I'm so sorry nona, life gets very heavy when we start to rationalize our condition in this world. For example, I haven't found a way to deal with it, and it's horrible. The shithole where I live is quite violent, misogynistic and with female hyper sexualization spread like a disease wherever you look; the feminist debate has been completely mishandled in recent years, to the point that almost no one takes it seriously. I did the same thing as you: I isolated myself from the world, using the internet as an escape. Currently I focus only on work and studies, exercise, the few things I still enjoy. I kind of live with a horse blinder on my face and I'm starting to become a completely indifferent person, having little or no hope.

Anonymous 110262

Its a painful experience indeed

Anonymous 111204

I never had a choice but to see the truth of men of my race and culture. I was molested at 4 years old by a family member. The entire family sided with him and from 1992 to 2002 I was forced to live with him. I never let this fucker near me again, he only had one time to show me his true nature. My parents separated and there was peace but then my mother let him move back in with her in 2007. I moved out for the first time from 2007 to 2008, then my mother's father died, my sister had a miscarriage and my mother got deathly ill. I stayed until 2018 and then I left on my own. All that time, I stood my ground, protected myself, and never let any of my family cross my boundaries ever again. I always spoke the truth, even if nobody agreed, even if I was the only one who cared, because that's how I've always lived bc I've always seen men for exactly who they are. Thanks to the internet, the news is spreading and communities are being created. You may have to be the first one to start one in your area. You may have to be the first one to speak up. But other women see the world and see men just like you do and they have friends, communities, hobbies, and they get shit done. I wish you the best. I've elevated myself in society, start business and make money so I'm financially independent. I also take care of my health when I can and travel alone often. This is why you need money. Money is also protection.

Anonymous 111567

"some" arent forced into it, its most women who wear the hijab. Do you think Iranian or Afganistan women being forced to wear hijab so they dont get beaten in public choose this? Most islamic countries force women (by law or socially) to wear the hijab. Also even if some women choose to wear it bc its a part of their beliefs, the belief itself is misogynistic so it is still bad. According to islam wpmen have to be covered head to toe at the bare minimum to pray which is a representation of how women's bodies are inherently seen as sexual which results in men thinking theyre entitled to us which results im all the rape. Hijabs even if its a women's choice are bad because they are an implication of the oppressive system that made them necessary. Women cannot reclaim hijabs.


cluster b Anonymous 111426[Reply]

what's your experience with antisocial/narcissistic/borderline/ histrionic personality disorder? do you have it? do you know people who have it? how do you deal with your symptoms? why do you think you might've developed one?
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Anonymous 111550

yeah my mom is an autist with some kind of mood or personality disorder too and she's a neet even though she's divorced, she just lives off of spouse & child support + welfare. her ass is a single mom with 2 kids and she doesn't work…

Anonymous 111556

My moms borderline and autistic. Dad's also autistic. I inherited all of it. Can't remember what the specific trauma was but I've known something was wrong for like 10 years now. Trying to get a diagnosis so I can at least get medicated for this life ruining bullshit has been hell. They do not want to listen if you have the slightest idea of what's wrong with you. Also because I'm a girl.

Anonymous 111560

I think my mom was narcissistic or had bpd, i noticed it when i was little, how selfish she was with me or my older siblings, the way she always put us down and insulted/hit us, how she always wanted to be the spotlight, she always made everything just about her. She physically (and psychologically) abused me since i was little, i am now 17, she abandoned me when i was 11, but i never really got over the trauma. I sometimes think something is wrong with me, i think i inherited something from her but i don't know what, i don't want to self diagnose.
I really hope i didn't inherited anything and that im sane, at least in that part. She really gave me some abandonment trauma and her same struggles with drugs and toxic substances.. but i'm getting better with that lul.. i think so
sorry for the trauma dump

Anonymous 111563


Unresolved childhood experiences affect a lot of person's personality. These usually happen when we have parents who suffer themselves, and childhood events become traumatic for a child. A child doesn't know how to process these feelings, and if our parents don't help us learn them we develop maladaptive behaviors to hide or push these feelings away. These behaviors are there to repress those memories, coping methods, in time develop into disorders. Most people don't even realize it. There's a lot of unfortunate folks in this world. Don't worry, that isn't a trauma dump, its called opening up

That's good you're working on bettering yourself, is nice; Those small stuff is what keeps us everyday, lead to bigger things.
>everyday empty feeling
Can I ask how strong these feelings occur? Do they stop you from having motivation for daily tasks?

Anonymous 111565

I think my mom is a (undiagnosed) narcissist. And she doesn't realize it. She'll go apeshit when things don't go her way, she's never at fault, it's always the others. I don't think I'll let her see my kids much in the future…

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