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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 106726[Reply]

post yr ideal partner
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Anonymous 112973


Sooo Hayate?

Anonymous 112997

>taller than 1.65
>strong features, nice smile
>very smart without being autistic, confident without being an asshole, likes to argue but also knows how to listen
>doesn't watch anime or play video games or consume any bullshit media in an exaggerated manner
>likes reading, condescending intellectually
>likes making retarded memes and sending them to me
>has both a realistic side and an artistic side
>has friends
>has sexual experience, confident but not in an icky way
>has an apartment, a good job or studies; constantly improving
>likes something specific about me (short girls/long hair/girls who read/bake/whatever)
>is a bit older than me, can guide me in annoying grown up stuff like taxes and rent

Apparently I am the basicest bitch

Anonymous 113000


The most overlooked quality.
But acknowledging it would equate to be self-aware of one's own flaws, which seems to be, at this point of the thread a subject carefully avoided.

Mine doesn't fit most of these idealistic descriptions but he beats to the punch any other moid that I met all considered.

Some of you should stay clear of mirrors, they might do a number on you.

Anonymous 113002


>I want a moid that looks like this

>I want him to have blonde hair and blue eyes. Maybe slightly longer hair, very fluffy.

>Height: 6’6”-6’8” I like my men giant

>2-3 years younger than me

>Broad shoulders. Athletic build. Muscular but not bulky, very lean.

> Asexual/Demi-sexual. Only sexually attracted to me. Also a virgin

>Very chill and laid back. Funny. Loves me a lot and pays for everything happily. Treats me like a little princess. More assertive and decisive than I am, very much the dominant one in the relationship,

>Sex should be amazing

Anonymous 113024

Bwaaaah let's try again after several years and 3 partners:
>shorter than me (negotiable)
>acts "cute"
>interested in fashion and personal aesthetics in some way
>not overly athletic but will accompany me on hikes
>creative in some way
>likes music
>reflective and self-aware
>not religious…..
>overly attached to me, a bit possessive (I know this is toxic and I'm working on not being into it)
>attracted to me
>skinny if male, a bit chubby if female
>somewhat socially capable but it doesn't come naturally (like me)
>not white and also doesn't prefer white people (too common, hurts my feelings)
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telling my boyfriend i love him for the first time Anonymous 112824[Reply]

i think i am ready to tell my boyfriend i love him for the first time, any advice for doing it? i’m kind of nervous about it. i’ve only had one other boyfriend who said it to me first and i said it back out of nice-ness even though i hadn’t truly felt it yet. i also want to make sure it is special and meaningful for both of us. any advice appreciated!

Anonymous 112826

idk my bf said it first and I said it back and it was true. It happened when we were having a talk about serious emotional stuff. But every couple is different and I don't really think you can say it in a wrong way.

Anonymous 113003

My best advice is to just let it happen, as likely, you're going to say it when you least expect it. When my boyfriend said it to me for the first time, it caught me totally off guard, but I felt the same way. It was over the smallest thing– literally me offering him a box of samoas girlscout cookies, and I think of that moment incredibly fondly. It can be scary being that vulnerable with another person, but I'm with nona here >>112826, there's no wrong way to say it, and no matter what, it's going to be meaningful– it's you expressing your love for him, what could be more special than that?

Anonymous 113018

Poo is just a hobby for me


Anonymous 112839[Reply]

I have ruined everything because of my stupid actions. Everything I do just causes harm to me, every single of them.

Anonymous 112848


Congratulations, you have self-awareness. The next step is to get professional help.

Anonymous 112880

me too

Anonymous 112932

have you tried smart actions?


pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405[Reply]

can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.

i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
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Anonymous 112797

Classic larp.. take ur meds he isn't real

Anonymous 112852


>>112792 here, getting a comment like this is the best. he's my titty sperg. miiiiine.

Anonymous 112892

>I love when my LARPs gets attention!
That is generally why people larp, yes.

Anonymous 112904


Fine, I'll blogpost about my scrote then. And by blogpost I mean brag, and I admit that it's an ugly thing to do, but wooo anonymity.

There is this site called Spacebattles.com, it's the most autistic site on the internet, and it's got a very big creative writing area. Within that, there's a thing called "Quests", it's basically improv visual novels, with people voting on what option to take and then author writes how to continue it. Quests are largely literature but they sometimes have art.

There are a few hundred Quests active at any time, and apparently there is a user-run "top 10" chart for them, based on metrics like likes, follows, etc. Most of the chart is filled by the same fanfic slop focusing on the same garbage with minimal variation.

Anyways, all of this is to explain that my moid hit that chart (without even knowing that it existed in the first place) with his own kind of Quest, filled with his own wacko original ideas, and without a previous following to give him a starting advantage. It's so different from everything else, and there are posts in his Quest thread saying how the quality is insane and the concept is so refreshing. He's just that good.

He should get into game dev or something, but he's just not motivated or disciplined enough to do it, and he'd just rather waste his time busking for attention from strangers. But my moid is very talented.

Anonymous 112916

Nona, you just tried to prove you're not writing a fan-fiction LARP, by admitting that you're completely obsessed with a fanfiction writing LARP website.


Anonymous 112764[Reply]

im tired. I will never get taken serious BY MY FAMILY (put it in caps bc i think this only applies to my family :( if you are struggling like me you should seek help, really you are valid trust me.) when it comes to my ED, they just see me as someone insecure and make fun of me for that. They never took me serious because i have been maintaining for long, there was a point i lost 7kg within just 2 weeks and they got really worried but after i started maintaining they stopped caring and they just bodyshame me still im struggling so bad i dont know why they cant see it are they just ignoring me?? Im so confused. How do i get them to TAKE ME SERIOUS without losing a crazy shit amount of weight
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Anonymous 112805

I'm ngl if you are able to lose 7kg in two weeks at all it means you're still relatively healthy..

Anonymous 112837

There are other EDS than anorexia. Most people with bulimia are in the healthy weight range but that doesnt mean they are healthy itself.

Anonymous 112845

Expecting common ppl to gaf about your invisible mental illness is first world entitlement at its finest lol

Anonymous 112850

Wow, everyone is being an asshole to this nona for no reason. EDs are a real thing people struggle with.

Sadly, your family are assholes. I really hope you can get the support and help you need and

Anonymous 112891

I can't take anyone seriously who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".


Anonymous 112790[Reply]

It’s really hard for me to make female friends. (Not that i have any guy friends either), it always has been. im really nice and i approach them first but for some reason they feel disgusted towards me they refuse to hug me while they love hugging theyre other friends they have known for the same amount of time. Oh and also im a really big people pleaser does that maybe play a role? When i dont text/approach first we just stop talking for months. Its like they are forcing themselves and just replying to me rather than interacting with me. I’ve tried my best with popular girls,lonely girls,nerdy girls i mean after all my attempts.i think i really am the problem so is anyone willingly to give me some advice to start a healthy friendship. If you are willingly to give me advice you can add my discord faivc. So i can tell you more about how i am IRL

Anonymous 112800

Added you <33 my user is ducked

Anonymous 112802

Tbh it sounds like you have trouble reading social cues maybe. Or you're a tranny and they're grossed out by you.


Pressured Into Following On Social Media Anonymous 111827[Reply]

Has anyone else ever been kind of pressured by someone to follow them on social media when you didn't want to? And they cornered you in a group setting to make sure you follow them. It wasn't overt, but you can sense the energy behind it. It's someone who makes you uncomfortable but others seem to like.

They're in a community important to me so I'm worried they'd "talk about it" to people if I unfollowed and removed them for seemingly no reason and I'd probably see them again and they'd likely ask about it.

It's really upsetting me to have them able to see my account but I felt trapped in accepting their request since they came up in person.

Can anyone offer advice on if I should just embrace the "I don't care" attitude or just put up with it to save face?
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Anonymous 111904

I wiped posts from my old account and transformed it into a normie one (I was following regular people from my art account…stupid). Then just made a second one and refollowed my closest friends on it.
That could be a good move if it's something like Instagram.

Anonymous 111926

Just unfollow and stand your ground. You don't need toxic people in your life. You don't have to explain to anyone. You need to get a spine and defend yourself. "I mass unfollow people", "I'm not interested in following you right now, maybe in the future though", you don't even have to say anything. At the end of the day it isn't a huge deal who's following who on social media. Embrace a confident attitude, please.

Anonymous 111927

Samefag but to add on, it's now or never to control your own life. You need to start now. Be the confident person you should be. Don't let this tranny moid control you, they get away with far too much in this world.

Anonymous 112772

I needed to hear this, thank you.

Anonymous 112990

I have never experienced this exact thing, but I understand the feeling. In high school I was always asked by people I was not close with (or interested in getting close with) if they could follow me, and I always declined. My reason was that I only had a private account which was just for very close friends (AND IT WAS TRUE!). Maybe I'm unaware of certain social norms regarding these situations, but they would always react kind of hurt or sad, like I almost owed them my social media or something. It was really weird. I haven't been on any social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or Discord in quite some time now and it has relieved me of so much stress- I honestly hate those platforms. I would prefer someone telling me what they have been up to rather than spying on their life through a story or post.


Anonymous 109677[Reply]

>tried to kms with 10mg of Xanax
>tried to kms with 800mg of Benadryl
>tried to kms with an entire bottle of codeine syrup
>tried to kms with 5000mg of Robaxin

Am I immortal or just bad at dying. I’m not very tall or heavy, these all should be lethal doses and I didn’t get treatment for any of these. I just woke up the next day a bit drowsy, but fine. Not even any long lasting side effects cause my blood test and labs come back clean
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Anonymous 112754

>"when women were okay with acting like women and not strange imitations of cruel men"
Get your sexist tranny logic out of here.

Anonymous 112757

stop acting like a Moid then

Anonymous 112759

So you admit to being a tranny?

Anonymous 112760

kek thats not even me

Anonymous 112761

dont kill yourself nona


Anonymous 112484[Reply]

I feel super guilty. My friend was feeling upset and was drinking alcohol so I sent her a funny video of myself to bring her mood up.

But instead my video ruined everything and she wants to commit even more because my video was "suicidefuel" and she thinks I am too pretty and it's so over.

I am not very pretty but decent. Not the ugliest but I didn't realize I made her feel this bad, how can I fix this?

Anonymous 112495


Send her a picture of you from your worst angle, making the goofiest yet ugliest face possible. Something so hideous she'll burst out laughing. I'm talking like, worse than when you accidentally open the front facing camera on the toilet. Phone below face angled upwards, extreme close-up, point your jaw downwards to purposely make it look like you have a double chin, pick an emotion and exaggerate the shit out of your facial expression. Try to look as ugly and unhinged as possible. I'm talking Cockmongler levels of retardation. The uglier and more retarded you look, the better. Something like pic related. When you have the perfect photo, send the photo by itself, immediately followed by the text "I woke up like this."

This will make your drunk insecure friend giggle, I guarantee it.

Anonymous 112752

its not your fault, you tried to be a good friend and cheer her up. communicating is the only way to fix it. i guess just tell her u didnt expect she would react that way, and ur sorry cause u didnt wanna make her feel bad (even tho its rly not ur fault shes clearly just mentally unstable rn and doesnt think rly rationally, but still apologizing is more about etiquette imo) ask her if theres anything specific u could do to help her feel better next time, im sure she will appreciate it. good luck nona


Anonymous 112722[Reply]

At what point is taking your own life justified? I feel like I don't have much longer until I lose my mind so is it ok if I do it?
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Anonymous 112737

What's up with all these suicide bait posts across different imageboards all using the same exact low-quality schizo meme xdddd picture? Fuck off. No one wants you here.

Anonymous 112738

wine cat.gif

When you feel like it's the right thing to do. Gatekeeping suicide is for retarded people who delude themselves into thinking it gets better.

Anonymous 112743

There have been a lot of overly catty or outright "kys" posts lately that I'm pretty sure are moids.

Anonymous 112747

Why can't people just do things instead of question themselves, ask the opinion of random strangers and go back to doing absolutely nothing.
You all want attention and would never harm youselves in any real way, stop bothering others and suck it up

Anonymous 112749


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