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pfp but hallucinat…

getting over him process thread Anonymous 113202[Reply]

day 1:
Im gonna kill myself
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Anonymous 113531

day 1919:

Sometimes I forget you were even there. Other times I frantically search for updates on you. Everyone has moved on and I don’t miss our relationship but I’m nostalgic for the pain of being with you.

Anonymous 113565


Anonymous 113569

not OP but I found this book incredibly comforting.
how did you find this out? if someone's actually in love with you they won't break up with you (or if they do they'll take it back shortly after) - it's fairly straightforward. everything else is a line.
I get this. My worst relationship, which was also my first one, ended 3 years ago. Not at all in love with my ex and he's sort of the baseline against which I measure if I don't want to date someone (since I had another partner after him who was much better and is the baseline for what I do want) but there's this weird hole the first one left in my solar plexus that aches whenever the weather changes and certain kinds of music come on. It's pretty weird. I like stalking him sometimes online, but he's incredibly boring. He just isolated and has acted like a total schizoid ever since. afaik he's unemployed now, which makes me quite happy, since his job/money was all he had and he'd always pick it over me. I'd be happier if I had a new bf though.

Anonymous 113680

Day 117: im starting to realize that learning how to cope with loss is a very difficult but positive thing

Anonymous 113686

1 year later: I don't care anymore but I also think back at those moments with nostalgia although it's not been too much time


sexual dimorphism and diet Anonymous 112769[Reply]

why does it seem like sexual dimorphism fails at enhancing both genders? like, if a country produces tall men, they must also produce tall women. or vice versa. that's kind of sad. i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

i can only really imagine that maybe diet can enhance both genders' sexual dimorphism. apparently, sexually dimorphic diets do exist in nature, with the siberian ibex's (a type of wild goat) eating behaviors containing more biomass, while the female siberian ibex eats lesser foods, but with higher nutritional quality. it's interesting to think how sexually dimorphic behaviors evolve in different species of animals, and how humans have unconsciously (or consciously) adopted these types of behaviors as well.
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Anonymous 113650

This. If men and women were more alike there would be less gender related problems like rape, because it is easier to rape tiny woman than one as big and strong as man

Anonymous 113664

>i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

Then you sound like a depraved fucking degenerate that likes men overpowering and physically/sexuALLYabusing women. Go stick a knife in both your eyes for all our fucking sakes and dont come back. They should be the same size and not able to mentally manipulate or physically abuse each other. Period. I spit on you, I spit on your grave and everything you stand for you degenerate filth.

Anonymous 113665

you sound like a moid larp kek
its not even a secret that lots of the women on here like conventional sexual dimorphism for their gender just as well

Anonymous 113666

its not a moid its oral-fixation-chan

Anonymous 113672

CC is full of pedophiles who like young virgin men so the opposite is true actually


Anonymous 113069[Reply]

I fear that I go to hell because I am a woman. I know this sounds bit silly especially to non-religious people but I truly fear that. "Women are from hell" "Women are evil" "Women cannot be true believers" "Women can only produce more believers" and so on. I am virgin and single. This will never change but I am scared of that. I am scared that I do a mistake, that I am evil or bad. I don't know I just don't know how I should act and be. Because of this I cry lot. Am I not enough for God because I am a woman?
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Anonymous 113102

Flying Nun made them look cool. I don't they still exist though.

Anonymous 113112


Anonymous 113654

jesus 2.png

Jesus loved and respected everyone, women included. Also check out Gnosticism and Wicca.

Anonymous 113658

Gnosticism is satanism and Wicca is unga bunga new age crap. There are many good and positive spiritual movements and religions and you chose to suggest two of the worst ones

Anonymous 113659

>archon and possibly a male


Anonymous 113576[Reply]

I was kind of harassed at work twice today
>One guy was really pushy and basically insinuated that if he ordered room service I’d come to his room and we’d have sex. He tried to get me to let him come home with me.
>another guy called on the phone and basically said that whenever he hears Hampton inn and suites he gets wet and asked if I was wet. Then he knew like when I was getting off of work.
Am I just so ugly that men think they can talk to me like this? That like I’ll just bite at any chance for a man to touch me? If so I’m gonna kms

Anonymous 113592

>he gets wet

Anonymous 113649

I think it's just the hotel setting that does this. Too many memes that link hotels to sex.


Femcel rant Anonymous 112049[Reply]

I don't feel any solidarity or sisterhood with beautiful women. There I said it. Maybe I'm bitter and jealous but I think there's pretty women and then there's rest of us. Pretty women can't and will not ever be part of experience of average and below average women. Whenever a pretty woman makes post about her woes, I can't relate to it. I can't relate to their problems and their life. They seem aliens to me and somehow we are forced to feel solidarity and sisterly feelings towards them just because we are of the same gender. It doesn't make any sense to me. To me it feels like how an average person is told "look billionaires and millionaires have problems too"
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Anonymous 113633

wtf she's so based

Anonymous 113634

Indeed, she's correct, happiness can only be found from outside rather than within. If nothing makes you happy, kill yourself.

Anonymous 113635

again making weird, unrelated assumptions about me.
is everything okay?

Anonymous 113636

No that wasn't about you this time, it was just contradicting my last, deleted statement. Apparently that is the correct answer.

Anonymous 113638

I don’t feel any degree of sympathy or kinship with attractive people in general. They may as well be a different species.


Is there anything more humiliating than a failed suicide attempt Anonymous 111867[Reply]

I had enough this time, but it didn’t kill me. I wrote a heartfelt letter to all my loved ones, and even drafted up a will. Now I gotta tell them “sorry I’m fine” how cringe
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Anonymous 112272

pooping your pants in public is probably more embarrasing.

Anonymous 112306

I pooped my pants once when I had a herniated disc.

Anonymous 112401

yea multiple suci attempts.

Anonymous 112479

at least you had a medical problem, i sharted on a goddamend date once basically because I was vegan. Went back to an average diet, never shit myself ever since.

Veganism, not even once.

Anonymous 113617


How do you mess up something that simple? Don't use meds, use a rope and go to a remote area. Don't do it tho


When did you miss your chance? Anonymous 113582[Reply]

When I was in my early teens, I lived down the street from a cute guy. Very tall, skinny, feminine face- not even close to conventionally attractive but my god, I loved him.

I found out he lived close to me after getting put in the PHP program for wanting to die because my home life was tragic at best. PHP was a program where you only did half days at school, and the other half you were at a hospital program for teens. I nearly shit myself when I walked in and found out he was already in that program. I thought he was just out sick.

He made a joke about not being surprised to see me there. It made me feel better somehow. I learned he lived 3 streets down from me (!!!). I never knew that, I hated the bus, because one girl kept throwing my manga out the window and dumping water and perfume on me. Spoiler alert, she bullied me for liking anime, and now she’s a porn star who got “famous” for her cosplay porn. Such is life. I ended up just taking a shit ton of tramadol and ambien in 7th period most days so I could tolerate the extremely long walk home and forget most of it because I’m lazy as fuck and the idea of exerting energy makes me want to sleep.

We started hanging out occasionally. We hung out even more frequently the summer before school started. I had never, ever felt that kind of attraction to anyone, and I still haven’t to this day. His dad was a mean son of a bitch, but was less mean when I was there for posterity. My dad never noticed I was gone so I was allowed to be anywhere, anytime. So, I would go over to his house often and he and I would sit in the backyard, shoulder to shoulder, and we would just talk and talk about anything and everything and he would show me funny YouTube videos on his phone. I mean, full shoulder to arm contact. His weight on mine. TMI but I would get really wet when he did that and always had to change my underwear when I got home, it was completely subconscious.

This went on for a while until the next school year started andI got expelled. Small town, pretty sure his dad found out, most people did. It was for sharing pills. It was really stupid on my behalf. No cell phone and dad often used the internet money for vodka so, rarely did I have contact means outside of being face to face. I would knock on his door occasionally but there would either be no answer or his dad would say he’s grounded. Again, his dad was an abusive bastard, just like mine.

Years later and I getPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 113586

Scrotum detected, post rejected
I’m sorry anon. When I was 13 or 14 I became really close friends with this girl, and one day when I was looking down reading something she sort of flipped upside down and put her face in under the curtain of my hair and looked at me like she was trying to get me to kiss her. I froze and she pretended it was a joke, then mostly stopped talking to me.

Anonymous 113588

>now he’s single
Message him!

Anonymous 113590

I second this. It could be beautiful, anon.

Anonymous 113594

>divorcee with child
nonas . . .


At what age did you realize you were better off alone? Anonymous 113152[Reply]

At what age did you understand there was no point trying to date spermbrained sloths and you'd be happier unmarried?
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Anonymous 113326

you sound so unwell and like i agree with you on some points but you need to turn off the screen and go into nature or something

Anonymous 113327

>I don't understand how its possible to be happily married
It's because most people get married for the wrong reasons. Most people force themselves to get married because of antiquated traditions where women were forced to be in loveless relationships, basically living as a traded commodity. There's still lot of pressure to do so today. I was with my partner for 10 years before getting married just because it made sense since we lived together for a decade already and still loved AND liked one another.

This is why I think there needs to stop being this stigma of being single. The only people who really shame people who are happy being single are incel manosphere faggots or self hating handmaidens

If my partner died or god forbid betrayed me I don't think I could ever, EVER date again. The closest I would do for romantic companionship would be some AI robot.

Anonymous 113336

But I said nothing wrong. I go out everyday and its nature who made sex violence an love impossible for women they can only have a cock in their mouth

Anonymous 113570

it's sad to me that hating makeup silos you socially into an NLOG - surely one can like the way they look as is and not want to spend money on stupid cancerous bullshit to look better, while also getting along better with women and wanting emotionally rich and meaningful friendships with them.
it's not that I realized it, it's more that I tried 3x over only to find out that everything radfems complain about regarding men really turned out to be pretty textbook and true for any I've known well enough. I'm out of school now, so I don't meet them naturally much as is anyway. probably would've been more productive if I realized this sooner, but I also don't think I could've without having given them the benefit of the doubt and to witness the consequences.

Anonymous 113591

I never wanted to get married or have kids. I was abused by my father as a child and have had a few terrible relationships with men because I wasn't mentally well and suicidally ideating. I'm surprised I survived my last suicide attempt but after that I didn't have the energy to try again. My very last relationship was with a man 15 years my senior who was sucking the life out of me. He was so actively manipulative that I couldn't fight against his will. I was a fool to let him anywhere near me but it's all done now. The last year, I knew I couldn't just leave, so I worked a lot and saved up as much money as I could and jumped states. Now I've been alone for over two years and I'm very happy. I've lost a lot of weight, stop using drugs and alcohol. I'm working on my art, I don't have a lot of friends but I have a couple of good gfs and we meet up and workout, go out to dinner together. I talk with my sister and mother. I'm saving up for my first out of country trip. Yeah, life is better without a man dragging your energy down. I don't deny there are some decent relationships out there but someone like me has no use for men in my life. I've always hated them and then tortured myself by being with them because I couldn't depend on myself. Now, I live a simple life with my cat, plants and books. It's just so relieving, it makes me cry thinking how I wasted so much of my teens and twenties attached to vampiric men.


Consequences of actions Anonymous 113496[Reply]

So when I was 19 this old man raped me and purposefully gave me a lifelong sti. It’s called ‘gift-giving’ and the most fcked up thing I’ve come across. This man David happens to be a Singaporean billionaire I believe in the hotel business with his sister. What makes this even more sketchy is the fact that he goes by two names I think. Peter and David? Nothing about him on the web. 1 photo. His friend was there and he was staying at the como hotel so pretty sure he’s got something to do with that. Now I’m 27 now and I want fckin justice. It’s actually more than just the rape and sexual assault. It’s the fact that these ultra-wealthy people think that they can just do as they please?! I just messaged him and he is saying that he’s going to sue me for defamation of character lol like I have nothing to sue. He also got off on the fact that I was covered in self harm scars and the fact that my father had raped me whilst growing up. Are men just not the most repulsive species?! I just honestly want no one coming near me ever again I think they are fucking vile the lot of them. Also I can’t be the only girl that this has happened to. He showed me all these girls he was talking to on his phone. I just hate men I can’t explain how vile I find them. So I’m going to report him to the Singapore police department because honestly I’ve had enough of men thinking they can do as they please with no fking consequences. I’m not from Singapore btw I’m from the uk but going to file a report online. These ultra-wealthy people think that they are untouchable it’s a joke. Probs got a whole legal team but I don’t give a shit like bring it bitch

Anonymous 113585

I hope something somehow comes of it. I’m sorry everything is so evil.


Self harm addiction general Anonymous 98173[Reply]

A place to talk about and vent this particular issue.

I suppose questions to get started (don't feel obligated to answer any of this though, venting is fine too):
>How long have you been self harming?
>What made you start?
>What types of self harm?
>are you trying to quit?
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
>why do you self harm?
>how does this effect your daily life?
>any other places you go for support?
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
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Anonymous 113087


every few months I come back to this thread. Trying to stay clean. I cant tell if reading & writing stories about self harm is triggering me or helping me cope with my desire. To be fair, I don’t get too triggered by most stories because they’re about cutting, and I burned, but once in a while a character burns themselves and I just… wow. I remember how wonderful it is. I want it so bad I feel sick. Even writing this now my stomach is doing flips of desperation. I’m over a year clean, damn it! I don’t want any scars! Sigh.

What do you gyns think about how self harm is a first world problem? I am conflicted… because it’s kind of true, but that feels very dismissive.

Anonymous 113091

Self harm can manifest in a lot of ways across all social classes and backgrounds. Saying it's a privileged thing is stupid, I'm sure there's homeless people out there who self harm too

Anonymous 113100

> ctrl-f cure Phrase not found
Ok so did anyone actually cure themselves of this, and if so, how?

Anonymous 113219

I found other distractions and outlets for my anger. When I have the urge I usually try and distract myself with something else. I had a minor relapse involving me stabbing my arm with a pen the other week but for the most part have stayed clean through medication sorting my scatterbrain a little and distraction

Anonymous 113578


I’ve never talked about it before so it feels weird to type out but I can’t sleep and just relapsed so why not
>how long?
I think liek 8-9 years
>what made you start?
Typical broken home type thing, physically abusive dad and alcoholic mentally ill mom. Getting sexually assaulted by my best friend while hiding at his house after a particularly bad incident at home was what kicked it off though
> what type?
Cutting and burning. Starving myself and making myself throw up too if those count. I also used to abuse pills and meds. And self strangulation but that’s stopped completely
>are you trying to quit?
Not actively, I know it’s not good but I don’t really see it as THAT bad for me I guess. I’m not really suicidal so as long as it doesn’t kill me or disable me it’s nbd is sort of my line of thinking, stupid as it may be
>any effective ways to minimize harm?
I’ll focus on a model build, or draw or get high but it’s when it’s too late in the night to do those things and I feel too awful that it becomes really hard not to.
>why do you self harm
The numb, sleepy feeling afterwards is nice, it feels like going brain empty.feels like any stress or emotion has been temporarily eliminated. I also like bandaging afterwards and making it look all neat and clean. It makes me feel taken care of. I even romanticized it at some point. Kept my razor, lighter, bandages etc in a pretty jewelry box ffs. I used to spend a LOT of my time locked in my bathroom until night time so it also sort of became something to do when there was literally no other stimulation around. I still resort to it sometimes I’m simply bored enough
>how does this effect your daily life?
It doesn’t, except fresh marks or cuts hurting against my clothed or bed. Some scars are visible but I don’t care and no one’s said anything.
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