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Advice and Support General Thread! Anonymous 68781[Reply]

Come here, wayward souls, for any matter big and small. Insight to comfort can be found here for your issues or conundrums.
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Anonymous 113567


stop isolating yourself

you'll come out better on the other end

Anonymous 113571

I am feeling delusional. I think I might actually really like a guy at work. And I can't tell if he likes me back. But I have also only ever dated women. So this is new ground. I really have no idea where to go with this. I have decided to just be friends until he opens things further. Should I just ignore him entirely?

Anonymous 113573

I eat all these carbs and sugar but never gain any weight and for some reason the doctors don’t see any issue with this. I’m so boney that people ask me if I’m anorexic and I’ve never had an eating disorder in my life. What’s wrong with me?

Anonymous 113574

False alarm, am ovulating

Anonymous 113575

Count your calories and see if you're actually eating at an overage. You might not be. Consider adding some protein though x it's good for you. Things may be totally fine, but if you're convinced that something's up maybe you can get labs done, chech your thyroid hormones


Anonymous 113390[Reply]

Today I met my internet friend irl and we ate fast food. I couldn't say a word that he could hear due to my voice being too quiet, he told me that I was very shaking and I had odd mannerism and that I was more "autistic" than he thought. And that I was damn shy. How I could be more normal?
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Anonymous 113414

I wouldn't worry too much. Most people meeting internet friends is awkward and you're probably more anxious than usual

Anonymous 113422

>I was more "autistic" than he thought.

Anonymous 113423

Thank you :D

Ah this may sound very harsh but it's usually how we talk on text. Not like this but he is kinda making fun because I said I will be normal and then I wasn't in his pov :D

Yeah lol. Thank you :D

I wasn't planning to be friends with him but we just become. I don't have other friends so if I am not his friend then I have no one other than my mom. He also accept my flaws which would drive most people away.

It's okay I don't mind lol and thanks.

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Anonymous 113448

Practice. Do it more often, get used to it until you're doing it like a fish is swimming.

Anonymous 113568

don't be autistic nona she's obviously hoping to traverse the friends -> lovers pipeline. it's the only romantic way to meet someone


Ive been day drinking again not sure if this makes sense but hear me out Anonymous 109249[Reply]

Before I thought that I am the way that I am because of what happened to me throughout my life. I am a “product of circumstances” outside of my control but my reality is that I was born this way. From the very beginning I was wired in a way that would shape all my experiences differently than most

That doesn't bother me as much. I can live with it. I can live with the strangely timed misfortunes that seem to follow me and still be happy. I internalize everything that happens to me and besides the occasional spell of self imposed isolation you wouldn't know anything was bothering me. I'm more bothered by the fact that no one ever wanted me around- I don't even know why I'm speaking in past tense, I'm stuck here- my entire life.

I've never been wanted.

My parents didn't want me. None of my friends or partners ever wanted me for long. Every single person I meet no matter the relationship or experiences, regardless of everything I do for them. They want me gone.

For awhile I tried, half heartedly, to disappear completely. still theres no such thing as a clean break.

No one enjoys my company. No one has ever loved me. And I love everyone Ive ever known. I frequently fantasize about someone suffocating me to death. I just wish that someone hated me enough to do it instead of just waiting till I go away on my own. But I'm still here. Separated, injured, but still here.

I ask, bewildered, “I don't know what I've done?” But I know exactly what I've done, I know exactly who I am. I know exactly how unlovable I am.
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Anonymous 109267


Anonymous 109268


Anonymous 113480

I've also felt unwanted many times in my life. My first boyfriend at 20 broke up with me by simply moving away and cutting contact.. lol.
Now that I'm in a healthy place, I can say that the less you think of yourself, the less people will think of you. I've found that asserting yourself and setting your own boundaries make people respect you more.. usually. Unless they have their own stuff going on with insecurity.

Anonymous 113481

Also, I loved Angel's Egg as well .. :)

Anonymous 113566



Anonymous 112983[Reply]

How to you cope with being ugly?

I am not super ugly (or I like to believe so) but I am not beautiful at all. I know this based how people act around me and by simply looking at the mirror. I have no talent to do make up and my skin is very sensitive so this is not the way I can cope with my face.
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Anonymous 113540

If you're not a lesbian then you're probably just not your type. Don't worry overmuch about it, you're probably more pretty than you give yourself credit for.

Anonymous 113542

I don’t think there are any ugly women. Beauty standards are purely a moid invention based on them only wanting to fuck women who look like literal children.

Anonymous 113544

That's cool nona but you're wrong.

Anonymous 113552

I started to see myself the same way I see other women and I stopped caring about what other people think of me. If I can love and admire another woman for her intelligence, kindness, strength, creativity, etc, why shouldn’t I do the same for myself? Also why should I care about the opinions of people who only see my value in my appearance? If I have to waste my time and money on things that make me uncomfortable just to get someone’s respect, it’s probably not worth it.

Brilliantly said. It’s not a coincidence that almost everything that is supposed to make a woman more attractive is meant to make her look younger, and in some cases prepubescent. It’s disgusting.

Anonymous 113564



Anonymous 113520[Reply]

How to stop seeking for moids attention?
I was a very ugly and insecure teen, and this led me to create complexes about my appearance and personality.
I feel a little better now.
The problem is that I still have this urge to receive male attention and validation, even though I'm in a good relationship now.
That includes toxic habits like following my ex on social media just to try to show him that I'm better now (I feel really bad about that tho)

Anonymous 113523

What kind of helped me is thinking about it like this: Moids don't go after the most attractive girls but after the girls they feel might respond to their attempts (while still being "attractive enough" ofc). But it's kind of a vibe thing, when you are desperate for male attention you will get it but it only attracts desperate moids, which might sound irrelevant to you because you're in a relationship anyway but getting attention out of desperate males after you're trying to make them notice you is not really something that increases your "value".
You should try to work on you're self worth, ideally it should come from within. And please unfollow your ex. It's over with him, the two of you are never going to be a thing again. His feelings about that fact are irrelevant. Even if he did regret not being with you anymore, it'd feel good for a tiny amount of time and nothing more. There's nothing you could really do with that information. Focus on your current relationship and more than anything yourself instead, you deserve better than obsessing over moids after years of insecurity.

Anonymous 113559

Thank you very much, nona.
You have no idea how much you helped me.
I did what you said and also decided to spend some time away from social media too, I think that these networks can feed very negative aspects of our personality when we are not feeling fine.

Anonymous 113563



Anonymous 111523[Reply]

i look like a moid. my body is masculine, my face is ugly, my frame is wild and big. i have no femininity left. my whole high school people thought i was guy despite wearing neutral clothing and having long hair. this is making me suicidal, i look moid but i am woman. when i put feminine clothing i look like crossdresser, i am so repulsive, it is making me suicidal. idk how long i can take this anymore. i am ugly moid like woman no matter what i do. i am not even super tall or have big feet or whatever it is my overall looks. i look like ugly incel. why God did this to me?
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Anonymous 113339

me too nona i have a very squareish frame and i look like a crossdresser whenever i try to wear anything that isnt just baggy tshirts and jeans

Anonymous 113341

its almost as if this is a place to express your feelings, ops being one of those

Anonymous 113464

What a stupid thing to say. A 10/10 whose entire family was killed in a war will always have a better life than a 1/10 in literally any situation. If someone is hot random people will basically throw away their lives to get them the life their appearance “deserves”.

Anonymous 113551

fuck off tranny

Anonymous 113556

Not every woman is 5'0 uwu smolbean with extra wide hips and doll-like face, some women are born with unfortunate features

images (83).jpeg

Why is 12-15 the most evil age for humans Anonymous 113487[Reply]

First day at school at 12: I got introduced to a popular rapist who raped my classmate the summer of the same year. He stared me down then drove away then bullied me whole year. These kids in school were having sex, using the girls with more developed breasts as a meat and the girls also dated 20 year olds, smoked weed in the forest around the school, did drugs, drank etc. The bullying happened from multiple people and the main theme of it was porn and sexual comments. People who say that American high school movies are just a fantasy are wrong cause at this age all of the shit that happens in the movies happened but adults don't give a fuck cause from outside it all looks like it's just children playing and to 12-15 year olds time passes slower cause they lived less than older humans so we have gone through this super mature phase at that age more adulty than we will ever be but to adults we looked like little children and nobody noticed their secret world… Why… At this age humans do the most vileee bullying. In my country once in a while there's a video circulating of moids and there's always some 13yo thot with them and they are beating up and taunting another child lol one of these thots that always hang out with the beaters had condoms in her instagram and pictures of her sitting on her boyfriend's body with her boobs out. She called herself a whore while being only 13

Anonymous 113490

Wtf? What shithole did you live in?!

Anonymous 113492

that did not happen to me at that age lol

Anonymous 113548

I ain’t reading allat but I agree: junior high kids (approx 11-14 where I’m at) are the absolute fucking worst as far as antisocial behavior goes. I’ve worked with sped teens/young adults before with very challenging behaviors and I’d take that any day over a class of neurotypical tween boys

Anonymous 113554

Racism is not becoming of a lady nona


Anonymous 113508[Reply]

A woman I know at work was casually telling the story of how she was raped on her 21st birthday and got pregnant and is still with the guy and had multiple kids. With him. Should I convince her to leave her shitty life ruining husband? Is there any way to?
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Anonymous 113512

at this point she's finished and definitely not going to leave him. i feel even worse for her kids

Anonymous 113525

Did she say rape or are you parsing rape

Anonymous 113526

He got her drunk and knocked her up. I don’t know any other way to describe it.

Anonymous 113528

I appreciate your concern, nona.
But to be honest, if you push too hard, the situation could become dangerous for you. You have no way of knowing if this moid might decide to harm you for trying to advise his wife.
Unfortunately we can't save everyone.
My advice is this: if she brings up the subject with you, and asks you for advice, you can be honest, but other than that, you should avoid the situation. Please stay safe.

Anonymous 113547

How is the situation between them today?


Anonymous 112581[Reply]

What are ur fitness goals?

I'm trying to work off a few lbs lol
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Anonymous 112858

id recommend gum nona, it worked for me whenever im overwhelmed. only downside is it makes my jaw hurt but that does also mean its harder to eat.. :D

Anonymous 112864

Get my body fat % low enough to actually show off my muscles. I was so close before covid but losing gym access for so long and getting sick myself completely torpedoed my progress reee.

Anonymous 112970

The best advice I can give you is to track calories and see how much your TDEE is for.
I’ve stopped buying chips, soda, alcohol, and sweets and that’s been a good change. Don’t fall into the trap of “oh I’ll just eat a few!” Because you’ll stress eat (like me lol) and that stuff is super high in calories.
Good luck!

Anonymous 113064

I started working out to reach a healthy weight on the BMI scale so that I could finally be eligible to sell my eggs.
I've lost 15 pounds in 4 months so far, and I've 10 more to go!

Anonymous 113541


I know what you mean, but talking about selling your eggs makes me think that you're a chicken.


are you guys afraid of aging societies? (vent kinda) Anonymous 113529[Reply]

i never really understood why people are so concerned with the concept of societies getting older.
in my opinion, i think people conflate their fear of stagnation and resource depletion with their fear of a society's population base getting older. additionally, people probably tend to over romanticize their youth because it's more clear what the goal is when you're young: finishing your education and obtaining security, namely through getting a career and living situation.
but if everyone lived their life in that manner, we would eventually come to a point where there's not enough resources to secure. like affordable housing and water, for example.
i think people should start reframing their mindset of what life post education should look like. once you've obtained some level of "security," you should also start being concerned with securing resources for future generations, so that life on earth may sustain itself. things like asteroid mining and ecological research (people should be more into gardening kek) could contribute to that. that's probably why games like minecraft and stardew valley are so fun–resource accumulation is fun, and it's hard not to be increasingly concerned with the long-term sustainability of our way of life. lakes receding, droughts becoming more common, wildlife disappearing… things like that are honestly more scary to me than society getting "older."
i don't really know why i felt compelled to post this. do you guys feel similarly? i went on a ramble but i just meant about the world getting older in general. and what the purpose of life should be once you're out of school i guess

Anonymous 113533

It does feel like as societies we're extremely complacent now. Liberal democracies are the palliative care of civilisation, they're just concerned with making everyone comfortable enough to have enough surplus income to buy consumer goods. We're just stuck in a rut, on a civilisation scale, we have all these problems and we claim we're working to solve them but we're hampered at every turn by politicians who want nothing more than to pad their pension out as much as possible. In a higher-minded society with goals and ambition it would be intolerable but we've slumped down into this collective state of resignation. And when society is that way it's difficult to not be that way as a person.

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