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Vent Thread Anonymous 107281[Reply]

Old thread hit the limit, again.
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Anonymous 113518

Turn bathing into a romantic routine like the way you would turn it into a game for a kid. Light candles, put romantic music on, and share a bath every day. Tell her you really like the intimacy of bathing together.

Anonymous 113524


my boyfriend is perfect and treats me so well but i have been obsessing over the fact that all our children are going to have his dark eyes. I think his eyes suite him well and he's very handsome but I want children with blue eyes.
it's so vein and horrible that i care about this, I don't know how to stop obsessing over it. i want to not care.

Anonymous 113539

What color are your eyes?

Anonymous 113557


Anonymous 113577

nona I have the same issue. His eyes are brown and I just want blue eyed kids… Truly the best you can hope for is that they are healthy and strong. If you can look in his eyes and love him for being perfect the way he is, you will love your children even more.


Unsent letters Anonymous 2119[Reply]

Ever wanted to give someone a piece of your mind but you know you'd just regret it? Post in here and get it off your chest.
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Anonymous 113433

I never knew where we stood. I would tell myself that I did, I could fool myself but I guess I always expected that you would leave me. In the back of my mind I knew the whole thing was a mistake but you were always there when I closed my eyes. When your fucking tattoo artist was acting weird and you let slip that you guys used to bang I should have just left, but I was convinced I'd just be alone again.
The past few years have been hard. There's a space between us and it's just grown and grown and now we can't reach each other over the gap. It's ironic that I failed that interview to get a different job to fix this because everything imploded anyway.
Every time I feel the space on my finger where the ring was my stomach does a little flip. I'm nauseous and I'm dizzy and I'm so scared of being alone in this house, but what else is there to do? We've done this before but I think there's no going back this time. It doesn't matter that you kept telling me I was perfect because I wasn't, and we both know it, and while I can work on my anger and my bitterness and try to communicate how I'm feeling, I can't just FIX everything about me.
I still remember what you wore to our first date that you insisted wasn't a date. I remember trying to make small talk and pesto cheese bread zombie dicks and sunshine on your hair. I remember how nervous we both were the day we got engaged because we both knew what was coming. I don't think I can go back to the Ringling. I don't think I can go back to Busch Gardens. Who's going to tell me about roller coaster manufacturers? Who's going to tell me to have a good day at work? Who am I going to ask if we need dumb things at home goods?
But who's going to draw away when I try to kiss them? Who's going to stay out all night with their friends, who's going to not come home? Who's going to tell me that my work stress is ruining me and also that they can't handle being told about it? Who's going to tell me they want kids, and help come up with names, and then change their mind after we're married? Who's going to tell me the only way we could make it work is if I left my parents all by themselves as they get older and I've TALKED with you about how anxious my mom's memory problems make me, and you flat-out tell me we have to move to Cali or New York or something and nobody can afford that. My sister already left them; I can't. I can't just leave them and fuck you for issuing these ultimatums.
I can't even work up the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 113461

You think I hate you, but I love you so much. I just suck at showing it. Well, I can't show it; I don't feel worthy. I'm sure that I come off as aloof as a result, but I don't hate you. Far from it. I could never hate you. You'll think I do and I'll hate myself for it. Let's hate me together.

Anonymous 113478


here is a collection of the posts i wish were towards me.
delulu 4 lyfe! :>

Anonymous 113509

Dear mom,

i'm sorry for losing my temper. I love you

Anonymous 113532

I wish I had the guts to let them know but we haven't texted in two years and so I feel it would be awkward tell out of nowhere… But I will if I happen to see them in flesh. I'm just making excuses aren't I


Therapy Anonymous 113279[Reply]

>be me
>go to therapy to try and get better. Take it very seriously and do everything I’m suppose to.
>find a therapist I like a lot
She retires
>still try to keep up with my meds and try to keep going because they’re suppose to set me up with a new therapist at the office I go to.
>get a call from said office
Sorry she can’t see you till June
>okay that’s fine :)) at least I’ll get to see the psychologist and get my meds resorted cause my depression medication isn’t working
>Day of my appointment the office calls to cancel cause my psychologist had a family emergency. Reschedules me for the end of the month.
>run out of my depression medication.
I’m about to kill myself. Everything is so shit even when I try. Most of the people who go to the therapy office I go to. Is a bunch of junkies and drunks who get free therapy and the only reason they even go is because it’s court ordered. They choose therapy and stuff over going to jail. It’s just really not fair.
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Anonymous 113342


Anonymous 113345

Proud of you for getting help, nona! I'm not sure where you are in the world, but some places allow pharmacies to extend prescriptions if there is a gap like you're describing. If you go to the same one, they should have records of your meds (or you can bring your empty bottle to show it) and explain your situation that you need another ~3 weeks of pills to cover you until you can see your doctor. Going cold turkey off of SSRIs/other meds is hell.

Anonymous 113366

I found a therapist I actually liked and I felt comfortable around her too. Now I have to go through all of it again. I have stuff I wanna tell her. They have me scheduled with one but it won’t be for another month :/
Thank you nona <3
They gave me another prescription thank god but it’s still not the right dose so it’s only doing like half its job.

Anonymous 113431


I've been there nona… I had a therapist I loved and she retired shortly after. Sometimes Im scared therapists get based just before they quit because they arent scared of losing their license. But I think you will have better luck than me! You're strong nona! We're all rooting for you!!!!!

Anonymous 113450

good luck nona, rooting for you. I had to go to the free government issue psychiatrist because I couldn't afford my old one anymore and I had to wait like half a year but when I talked to her she was really nice and she fixed my meds.


moid hate thread Anonymous 85163[Reply]

doesn’t have to be about your boyfriend. I just hate fucking men at this point.

>everyone of them has failed me

>any moid I’ve dated either had a rape kink, or raped me
>porn/hentai addiction
>used me for my body
>always had an alternative motive
>manipulated me into insanity
>abused me if I didn’t do anything they wanted
>even my own dad has failed me

I have no fucking hope in this world.
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Anonymous 113441

Considering many of us came to these kinds of boards to get away from men due to their shitty echo chamber attitudes about us, it is really shitty of them for them to come onto our sites then bitch about us. I don't go onto theirs, so why come onto ours? It shows how much of attentionwhores they are while accusing us of it.

Anonymous 113442

We need to start spamming their sites with mutilated dicks as retaliation

Anonymous 113452

KEK reddit? The home of trannies and coomer men? The place where femcel subreddits get banned but female rape and gore ones stay up? Go back to posting on your groomer subreddits troon.

Anonymous 113471

I left Reddit because they kept being assholes to me when I talked about being a csa survivor.

Anonymous 113472


i have the original that this came from


A guy wants to be friends but idk what to do Anonymous 113305[Reply]

I'm currently a sophomore in college, and I met this guy who's really nice, but part of me thinks that he really just wants to have sex with me. I don't have any proof PR good reason to suspect that, I just do. The thing is, he's bisexual and currently dating a guy, but I know he's dated girls in the past, and I talked to a girl that he used to date who went on about how nice he was and how he never tried to make her have sex with him or anything weird. But I'm still torn, because in high school a guy claiming to be gay grabbed me and fingered me on multiple occasions, and of course no one believed me because he said he was gay, and I really don't want to be in that kind of situation again… what do y'all think I should do? He seems nice, but he's like 6'5 and I'm 5'3, so he could easily r4p3 me if he wanted to, and after my high school experience, I'm just not sure what to do.
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Anonymous 113343

like clockwork

Anonymous 113348

>he's like 6'5 and I'm 5'3
It's not like a 5'3 guy couldn't overpower you if he really wanted.
>he's really into hentai.

Anonymous 113350

Sounds like bro has been reading his hentai and wants to have an irl hentai-style relationship lmao

Anonymous 113361

slow damagee.jpg

ngl i hear about bi men fucking men but i don't really hear about bi men seriously dating other men, the only "bi" men i see dating other men tend to exclusively from that point only date other men likely bc they're closet homos and do't want to fully admit it
but if hes into hentai he might just be an actual degen who'll fuck anything, regardless i'd trust your gut anona

Anonymous 113363


Anonymous 113278[Reply]

I've been friends with this guy for a while, and I like him and I've told him in pretty direct ways but he never turns me down. he also never really gives me the greenlight either. or maybe he has, but I'm too stupid to notice. I guess he's said some things that could come off as vaguely hinting at his interest but since it wasn't direct i don't wanna risk it. he's said stuff about not wanting to date before going off to college, but that he's considering something less serious. he's still scared of the idea of falling in love then having to leave. I don't think I take this all that serious, but the fact that I'm just left to want without any confirmation or denial is driving me crazy.

I think I'm okay with the idea of just dating for a little while, in a way that's not too serious. I feel like even a little bit of his affection would be enough.

Anonymous 113280

I think also this has potential to feed into my love for tragic romance stories:

1. he doesn't want me, while i'm left with no choice but to yearn/move on
2. he wants me, never tells me, and we both want each-other while nothing happens
3. he wants me, we have a sweet summer romance, he moves away and we both hurt over our losses

its horrible, but its still so beautiful to experience pain in such a sweet way.

Anonymous 113294

Hi anon, I had a similar situation begin in 2020. Following my confession, his rejection was also unclear and we had the most ambiguously romantic, emotionally intense, asexual, and confusing relationship I have ever experienced. My feelings for him haunted me for years, I only learned our "break up" was an actual break up this year and upon reuniting I was only tortured more.
What's more I only got to kiss him 4 years after we met, 2 years post-break up. And then he was abruptly out of my life forever.
Not saying it could go exactly like this for you, but please know that messing with ambiguity can be a nightmare. It is romantic in theory and would be a great movie, but it's terrible to live in real life. The unfulfilled feelings will gnaw at you until your insides rot.

Just stay platonic and find someone who wants to and can be with you, nona.

Anonymous 113301


we actually talked about it last night, and he told me that he actually did like me, but he's just not sure about dating because the whole falling in love then having to leave thing. i'm going to attempt to listen to you, but i'm pretty sure the moment he lets me im going to fold.


No lifetime people Anonymous 113228[Reply]

It’s been coming up more that I just have…no one to really talk to. The internet and colleagues are great for directed conversations about specific topics, which is all you need most of the time. But if something good happens or I’m proud, or something bad happens, there’s…nobody. For normal people even if they don’t have friends or a therapist or a fucker they have family. Or if they don’t have family they have old, old friends. They have “lifetime people”. Even if they haven’t talked in years, if they really need to they have someone that knows them. There’s no replicating this if you missed the various dice rolls to get lifetime people. By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done. Everyone you build a relationship already has lifetime people, and those lifetime people will always be more real to them than you. You are just an episodic person for them, relatively speaking. There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one. Forever.
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Anonymous 113253

I think you are underestimating old people. You could meet your lifetime people in your 40s or 50s and get at least a solid couple decades of friendship out of it.

Anonymous 113257


Honest to God the worst part of loneliness is the bitter tunnel vision we get out of it. The human brain isn't meant for isolation. We get really stuck and stubborn only affirming the strictness of our beliefs and biases. Trust that although your pain is very real for how you've seemingly "missed the bus" at different life stages, that there are options that are out there that will surprise you in the best way. You don't have to believe it, you just have to do more. That's the trouble with it, you tell yourself it's some circumstantial or existential problem out of your control, deadline's already passed, because that's easier than saying "I could try something new to get a different result/test my theory".

There's another bus coming, nona.

Anonymous 113258

I really like Hopper's art. For me it evokes peace, rather than loneliness, for some reason.

Anonymous 113262

In my experience, no. I live rural and everyone here is 40+ boomers and they live miles away. Growing up, I had not one friend. I commute to the city for work now and have a much easier time making friends.

Anonymous 113296

I feel the exact same way as OP. Sure you can claim that it might not be completely hopeless, but that's just not what I'm experiencing. So where should people like us even begin to search for these 'lifetime people' that somehow we missed finding the first time? What are the steps? I swear it's not for a lack of trying. I have tried so many times to get involved with all kinds of groups and individuals both online and off. While it's not so difficult to find an acquaintance who will act friendly once or twice, they couldn't care less about actually getting to know me as a person, and regardless of if they show any actual interest they just end up ghosting me everytime. I just want people I can feel comfortable around. Who skip the small talk nonsense and can enjoy an honest discussion of interests and opinions with. Someone who you can randomly message eachother anytime and discuss your personal lives and thoughts and they are willing to listen. Why is it so impossible to find this situation? It just seems to me like after you're an adult, people stop trying to get to know or care about others. It's as if true friendship is a childhood thing reserved for the lucky few, and I've started to consider that it may possibly be just a fictional concept in general.


It was over for me since then Anonymous 113282[Reply]

Since the day I learned that male butterflies rape the female ones before they even emerge from the cocoon. Not only rape but pedophila. I thought butterflies were a proof that nature is cute
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Anonymous 113288

>"I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars." - Charles Darwin


Anonymous 113289


The only good animals are tropical birds. Look at the cool little displays they build!

Anonymous 113290

Anonymous 113291

This made me think.. When a straight woman says she's disgusted with submission like straight sex acts then humans are sadists and of course like to taunt her with it and wanna see her break and submit. Rape = initiation into femininity. Unfortunately humans yes including women don't hide the fact that they see nothing wrong with rape at all as much as they do and subconsciously they seem to adhere to biological gender "roles" if mentally woman is not into submission then she can't have straight sex cause she would see it as terrorizing. Humans love to taunt others with rape and fantasise about putting women in their place that's why I regret posting this fact cause moids mind find it pleasing

Anonymous 113292

Sorry I have fear of rape esp it being a part of womanhood. I wouldn't even date a moid cause its like accepting rape


Anonymous 110016[Reply]

Is it okay to hate your so's stupid whore exes? I think it should be
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Anonymous 112071

That being said, I had a big issue with my previous ex's ex because they were emotionally involved with each other the entire duration of our relationship. I was being retarded and should have just left him tbh.

Anonymous 112601


Jealous over exes? Just wait until your Nigel cheats on you…

Anonymous 112603

Anonymous 113255


I suppose it would have been worse if mine had cheated with someone hotter, but I found out he was the community dick for his uggo friends.

Anonymous 113256


Yes, it's completely understandable, but try not to let it consume you. Hatred and passion/love are only a fine line apart and it's easy for you to start focusing on how amazing and attractive the exes were instead of stoking the fire in your own sense of love towards yourself. This will make you bitter and your current partner WILL taste it on you over time, even if you never talk about it. Trust me. The best thing you can do when you're in the thick of it is trying to convert the hatred into a complex about why you're better and how you can do everything they did well, but in your own unique way, plus more. However you want to spin it. This will eventually take you to a state of peace where it'll be easier to see them as just other random humans your partner ran into in this big wide world.

>painting is titled "Time Saving Truth From Falsehood and Envy"

>"The naked figure of Truth is held aloft by her father, Time, who with his scythe subdues Falsehood, in her fine apparel and dissembling mask, while the baleful figure of Envy recedes, protesting."


I can’t with this fucking bullshit. I hate being dyslexic so much Anonymous 113225[Reply]

So google has decided that it's too good for me now and refuses to acknowledge any of the words I write as what they are and just fix the damn word. It acts like every spelling mistake I make makes the word completely unreadable and unrecognizable where it used to just give me a suggested word it now just says ignore or add to dictionary, so I have to manually look up every goddamn underlined word. Most of those I still spell wrong because guess what I'm dyslexic and I can't fucking read them. Fucking spellchecker is the only reason I don't get mocked to hell online anymore, and without it, no one takes anything I have to say seriously at all. If I have a bad idea, a bad opinion, or even if you just think I have a bad personality then fine by all means tell me off. But I don't want my spelling to become an obstacle to ever having any sort of intellectual online discussion again because people are never able to look past it. If I make one fucking goddamn mistake it's all they care about and it's so infuriating. I'm jealous that most people don't even have to think twice about this stuff, it's second nature to them that I have to go through all this fucking trouble to check and recheck everything anytime I wanna say anything online. I hate it I wish my mind was just fucking normal. I'm a smart person I swear. I was gifted classes for everything in school. I just have never been able to overcome dyslexia. And this specifically tonight just set me off and made me realize just how reliant on technology I am. Gonna try using gramerly or something I guess because google seems to think stuff it picked up and corrected literally yesterday is beyond recognition now today. God fucking knows why. Fuck.

Anonymous 113227

Going s't o going to be ebe okay
okay nona dislexexia is difficult to dealw ith with but through ough perseveranceanceperser you can makeit it!

Anonymous 113231

i feel that dyslexia is the worst

Anonymous 113250

just use office or any other alternative that provides a dictionary

Anonymous 113251

Why'd you want Google to know all your posts? Well perhaps it's nothing important, but there is not a single reason to assume they didn't spy on you, maybe even fingerprint.

What OS do you use? LibreOffice is more or less cross platform and will do the job. But it takes relatively much space.

On the more lightweight side, on Linux mousepad is good and has spell checking plugin, but you need a recent version, I don't remember when the feature was added. I also know gedit and pluma have spell check.

Idk about other systems. Afaik notepad++ is open source and has spell check if you use windows. If mac, then I guess just look up table of text editors on wiki and get anything open source that has spellcheck.

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