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Anonymous 112906[Reply]

Do you have any "traditional" life goals? As in, getting married, starting a family, white picket fence… Ecterea. Not necessarily in the context of being a woman, just achieving the expected milestones of adulthood.

I sometimes want children, but I can't imagine myself in a long-term relationship, and I'm also not in the position to be raising kids for mental health reasons that can not be helped. Sometimes I wonder what the point of living is without a prime objective and if fruitless repetition until death is worth it, or something emo like that. It's just hard going on knowing there's nothing for me in the end.
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Anonymous 112967

> what are you studying?
I'm studying philosophy but not in a pretentious or moidy way I swear!!!!
> that's exactly what happened to me.
I'm glad I'm not the only one, it's so weird because I was SO against the idea of ever having children for countless reasons. I wonder if it's a hormonal thing or something or if that's just a myth spread by moids and I am simply growing up and being more conscious of the remainder of my life. I am also unsure about the future, I think I could be happy either way and I hope you are too, if it's what we really want we can do it and if not we can just not!!!!

Anonymous 113032

I definitely have a dream of getting my own house with a white fence and garden. But I don't want marriage or kids, maybe some short-term relationships with moids at best since nearly all moids here are not childfree and I probably would end up living and retire with my female partner instead in a Boston marriage later in life

Anonymous 113063

Kind of. I'd like to be able to provide for my wife one day, while also taking on the role of house-wife.
I just like the idea of cleaning and cooking all day, while also being the bread-winner of the house-hold. I just want to come home everyday to see my wife living a leisurely lifestyle and dote her.
Does anyone else feel the same way?

Anonymous 113073

I want a Boston marriage too tbh. Settling down and growing old with my best friend (not that I have one) sounds like a dream. I just don't know how to make it happen.

Anonymous 113246


Yeah but it’s never been super concrete like it seemed to be for other girls. None of the “engaged by 23, married by 25, first kid by 27” that I was surrounded by but I always knew that if I was going to have kids, I’d have to start by 30 and I did. I think it’s good to have an outline but be open to suggestion.
I always saw traditional life as one of many paths that I could take. I can see myself as a SAHM with 3-4 kids all 3 years apart. I can just as easily see myself as a OAD with a career at a nonprofit or small business making a difference in my community. I can even sometimes see myself as a childfree single who dedicates her life to writing and illicit affairs.
I think every thinking woman feels this way, eventually you just need to choose your path if it doesn’t choose you. I for one always knew I wanted children but also knew I wanted it the typical way (no science babies/single mom by choice) or not at all. I’m sure that could apply to any “goal”, even ones that are seemingly out of women’s control.
And about the having children thing, I don’t think anyone NEEDS to do it to be fulfilled. Just because it’s a biological imperative doesn’t mean that every member of the species needs to do it. I don’t mean this in an anti-natalist way obviously
Life has whatever meaning you give it: it’s actually that simple.


the question thread Anonymous 113128[Reply]

i am having long thoughts very early in the morning and i thought of making a thread specifically for storing random questions people form in their heads.

i guess the point of me making this is just to archive any questions people generate throughout the day. not even to discuss or answer them even, but just to ask the questions themselves.

here are questions i thought of today:
> why do people lose their innocence as they get older? does this always have to happen?
> what does it mean when people say that countries are becoming less democratic?
> why are men and women so different?
> do people really have to finish a college education in order to live a fulfilling life?
> why can't all of our education system take place online?
> are humans becoming less happy over time?
> do all civilizations really have to come to an end eventually? can we prevent this?

anyways, feel free to add your own questions.

Anonymous 113129

Why do I sleep 12+ hours a day?
Why am I haunted by a perpetual feeling of guilt?

Anonymous 113132

Why am I always so unlucky in life? While people out there who cheat and licking ass get so far in life

Anonymous 113191

depression? deficiencies? something else? Sounds like you need to ask your family doctor if sleeping 12 hours a day isn't a one off thing after staying up all night or something.

Anonymous 113192

You're a cat


Sometimes, I am happy, when I am grateful Anonymous 112192[Reply]

and I am grateful, for all you nonas. You all make me feel less alone in life. Though we are separated by computer screens, our words flow through connecting us all. Let’s have a good week together, and look towards the future. Our numbers may be small but we know we are not alone in our experiences.
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Anonymous 112664


sending love to you all, somehow this place makes things seem a little less lonely.

Anonymous 112685

I just wish the stupid raids would stop

Anonymous 112742

Me too, have to stop going on /b all together it's disgusting

Anonymous 112784

is there a way to stop it altogether though? I rarely see this shit on lc

Anonymous 113130

Have a good day today everybody. We can make it through.


trichotillomania Anonymous 113089[Reply]

not sure if I should post this here or in hb, but does anyone else suffer from trichotillomania? if so,
>when did you start?
>why did you start?
>have you ever been able to find coping skills to not do it anymore?
>have there been any moments that people looked at you funny because of it?
>have you ever had bald spots?
>what's the longest you've gone without pulling?

Anonymous 113090

>when did you start?
the summer after first grade which has been 18 years that I've been doing this

>why did you start?

I had lice that summer so I started doing it because I thought I would be able to see if I had lice but it became a nervous habit

>have you ever been able to find coping skills to not do it anymore?

not really honestly

>have there been any moments that people looked at you funny because of it?

yes, my 4th grade teacher made me wear ponytails every day and now I have headaches if I have my hair up for too long, in 5th grade my teacher made me flip my card for touching my head, at one point in middle school, I pulled so much that a pile of hair was on the floor

>have you ever had bald spots?

yes, in middle school it got so bad that my grandma made me wear hats when she took pictures of me

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Anonymous 113093

>when did you start?
When I was around 8/9
>why did you start?
>have you ever been able to find coping skills to not do it anymore?
I took escitalopram for years to help stop with it, and I was able to ween myself off it and not re-start the habit.
>have there been any moments that people looked at you funny because of it?
I had bald spots until I was about 20 so yes.
>have you ever had bald spots?
See above
>what's the longest you've gone without pulling?
I'm about 10 years clean now

Anonymous 113119

> when did you start?
i think in 2017 or 2018?

> why did you start?

an eyebrow accidentally got tightly stuck in my nail and when i pulled it it was painful but kinda good. i pick my skin so picking my eyebrows was a similar fidgeting relief

>have you ever been able to find coping skills to not do it anymore?

honestly not really. but a few times when i had gotten my nails done i noticed i barely did it bc i was physically unable to

>have there been any moments that people looked at you funny because of it?

i wouldnt say my friends made fun of me but they pointed it out when they noticed. then i told them to keep poiting it out so i could stop bc i do it unconsciously

>have you ever had bald spots?

yeah lol but then i bought a black eye pencil and realized i could just cover the bald spot with it

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/goodfeels/ Anonymous 51045[Reply]

post about something positive that happened to you, even if it’s small
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Anonymous 113029


I caught two ladybugs actin sus

Anonymous 113030

lesb bugs

Anonymous 113041

I went to sleep around 9pm so I thought I would wake up too early this mofning, but I didn't. And I found a bus from my house directly to a place I need to go tomirrow.

Anonymous 113062

Meeting my girlfriend!
She is the love of my life. I could never see myself getting married until she talked about how much she wanted to get married last week.
Now all of my google searches involve engagement rings and wedding photographers! I can't wait to kneel down and ask her to be my wife one day.


Anonymous 113088

I'm visiting my family for the first time in a long time!


feeling like I’m late to life Anonymous 113042[Reply]

I’m 24. Working a dead-end job but I support myself okay for now. I’ve got my own car and a cat I love and I sporadically make lots of art (that I don’t share really). Im slowly taking steps to go back to college but I feel like I’m so late in getting a career and set up in life and stuff.
Writing it all out there it doesn’t sound so bad, but I spend a lot of my time doing nothing - or at least playing videogames, reading or writing, and watching movies. I feel like if I spent all my time working on bettering myself and my skills I’d be so much farther ahead in life right now… but at the end of the day I’m always tired and feel on the edge of burning out. I don’t have a lot of money and there are things I want to do and projects I want to start but I just can’t yet. I don’t have a relationship or any one skill I can show off and be confident in. And I don’t feel like I’m allowed to be proud of my life when I see a lot of my friends starting their careers and getting settled down. Any other nonas who feel like they’re always behind? I know it’s probably not just me but gosh I get so discouraged about it

Anonymous 113043

ur not alone at all. i'm 22, turning 23 and i still feel like an awkward, socially inept helpless child sometimes. it sucks. i'm returning to college after failing out, i work a part-time where i'm hardly respected or even spoken to, got no friends or significant other. it really does feel like a repetitive, cyclical void of dread and monotony. i'm shut-in and online almost 24/7 and i hate it but i know nothing else. but the small things are still worth something, i think. idk exactly what's up with you but ik depression and apathy eats me alive inside. you sink further and further, to a degree where getting out and actually doing something feels futile. like you'd hardly done anything at all. but comparison is a fool's game when it comes to your friends and others, it only gets you deeper in that void. you're not them, and they aren't you. and the time will pass anyway, with or without you. do with what you have, i hope soon you'll look back and see you've gotten somewhere, if not far. we're all stuck in this shitty fucking void together, at least.

Anonymous 113074

I'm 27 now, I went back to school at 25. I'm objectively behind in life. Most of my friends started working in their early or mid twenties, several of them have already bought a home with their partner. It sucks being behind. On the other hand I try to think of it this way: I'm enjoying my time in school, I have a roof above my head even if it's not my own, I have hobbies that I enjoy. So does it really matter that much that my friends are ahead? Their days aren't significantly more fun or more enjoyable just because they have a carreer or a home or a relationship. I also live for me, I don't have to have something to be proud of and show off as long as I'm enjoying my life. Idk if that makes sense. If you ever want to talk, lmk.

Anonymous 113076

Your life sounds exactly the same as mine. My days are so boring and when I have a day with nothing to do I'm filled with dread.
>there are things I want to do and projects I want to start but I just can’t yet
So true, sometimes I wish I didn't live with family so I could do hobbies or go anywhere without people knowing.


Anonymous 112893[Reply]

>"what time do you get off work?"
>"around 10 pm"
>"you should call me as soon as you get off work so we can hang out. make sure to do it immediately beacuse I need to go to bed early"

or alternatively
>"sorry I dont have the energy to hang out right now"
>"you never do. Why do you never wanna hang out with me anymore? Are we even still friends?"
Does anyone else work closing shifts and your friends wanna talk as soon as you get off work beacuse they work 9-5 and go to bed early and beacuse you're the one with "abnormal" schedule? All I want is an hour or 2 to be by myself when I get off of work to just be by myself and chill. Am I really asking too much? Is that so selfish? I know I'm lucky to have friends at all, but after an 8 hour shift I just want some time to myself. I'm exhausted. But I keep losing friends this way all the same.
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Anonymous 112901

you could just express this and potentially play one of those cringe online games together, i think discord is lame but in this instance it would be convienant, or maybe setting up a day for it so your emotionally prepared and could do something special like getting pizza or something, if they are your friends they wouldnt be intentionally trying to drain you of your social juices lol, they would probably understand.

Anonymous 112902

alot of the time I don't even have the energy for a phone call as soon as I'm home from work. After a few good hours of alone time I'm feeling fine again, and have the energy to scoalize but by then my friends are asleep

Anonymous 112903

i get it, try to do it in advance or when you are like up do it and then have the date in mind that way youre prepared mentally for it and you can strike a balance between the two, remember they are your friends for a reason :)

Anonymous 112905

I want to be around my friends, but I just don't have the capability after dealing with the public for 8 hours. I've lost friends over this, because they expect way too much from me. Thankfully, my roommate is a saint. He's content to just play a game or watch a dumb movie and talk like he has an audience so I can lay down and fall asleep to the sounds of positive social interaction that I don't have to engage in. I'll wake up after a couple of hours, have a snack, then stagger to bed and fall asleep without feeling like I'm alone.

Anonymous 113066

it would be way less of a pain in the ass if the people in question didnt exept me to be the one to carry the conversation every single fucking time


How the fuck do you get over burnout. Anonymous 112833[Reply]

In my sophomore year of college, I would sit at my desk for more than 12 hours a day doing school work. I would get 4-6 hours of sleep and did not have any hobbies or friends. I would also pull at least 1-2 all-nighters every week. As a result, I produced a lot of great work and was directly competing with my peers.

Now that I'm a junior, I can't give a flying fucckkkk about school. I can barely sit in my chair for more than a couple hours and I regularly get eight hours of sleep. All I do in class is day dream about my girlfriend. I work out for several hours a day, spend a lot of my time going outside, and hanging out with friends or my girlfriend. My grades are now shit and I've produced some of the worst shit imaginable for my classes. I couldn't even bother to go hunting for an internship this year.
My friends admire me because they still think that I have the same work ethic that I did last year. But I don't.
I am so ashamed for wasting my time to do all these stupid things like sleeping and working out. But at the same time, I can't bring myself to do homework all fucking day. I just can't. I can't even pull all-nighters anymore.

I am so burnt out. I miss the old me. I want to bring them back, but I don't want to sacrifice the relationships that I have now.

How do I get over this burnout? How do I start feeling the want to do school work for that fucking long again?

>tldr version: I used to do schoolwork nonstop last year but I can't bring myself to do it anymore. I wan't to go back to the person I was back then,but I don't wan't to lose the people I love.
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Anonymous 112843

First of all nona I'm sorry for traumadumping on your thread kek but I feel like this is kind of related. I was also burnout towards the end of last year (November) because a lot of things were happening in my life and I didn't think anyone could help me. I was at a pretty good position at my job and I didn't want to mess that up (lol) so I decided to just quit.

After I quit I just didn't want to work at all. I just wanted to take a break, even though my parents gave me so much shit about it. I am feeling better now and I'm looking for a new job but still haven't found any lol. I was thinking of going back but that would be embarrassing lmao even though the HR said I could contact her if "anything happens".

I don't think this is regret but I feel like maybe I could talk about my burnout problem to my HR but idk I just think it's bullshit when HR wants to help me with my personal mental problems? They never do care about you they just want your time and energy.

I think the "cure" that you're looking for is just time. Time will heal, at least in my case. I managed to take some time off and take care of myself and now I do feel better because of it, and ready to get back to work, I think?

Good luck nona!

Anonymous 112857

im sorry i dont have any advice, but were in the same situtation. i dont even know why im so apathetic and averted from getting anything i need to get done, done. such a critical point in my life too.

Anonymous 113022

Every girl (and guy) I know are like this in STEM.

Anonymous 113059

Surprisingly, I am in art school. My college is extremely competitive, and If you're not grinding 24/7 you'll fall behind your peers.
I know a lot of people think that art majors are 100 times easier than STEM. But I'm not sure if that's true.

One of my friends was told to drop out by one of his professors because he lacked the artistic skill to make it through the industry. He did and went to into medical school instead and told me that studying to become a surgeon was a million times easier.

Anonymous 113061

Don't apologize, Nona! Thank you for sharing your experience, it has helped me feel less alone with my situation.
I hope time comes to heals me soon lol.

You're feeling of apathy are similar to what I am feeling as-well.
I don't think I'll be able to take time off school or register for less classes since all of my scholarships would become invalid if I were to do that.
I'm happy that those things have worked out for you though.


Anonymous 112991[Reply]

I don't think I want to die, I kind of just think I wanna sleep forever. I don't know. I used to be stable and sane and that has gone out the window.
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Anonymous 112995

I just wish I never existed. I know some of my family would be devastated if I were sick or dead, but I just wish I never had to exist to begin with.

Anonymous 113031

I feel you . Sometimes no matter what circumstances you have to push forward, I hate life so much. But I don't want to die yet at least before my abusers get vengeance.

Anonymous 113037

I understand your rationale. I am trying to get back up from a very bad place and life often feels banal. My physical health feels downtrodden and yet my scans have come back clean. I can't imagine it's just my mental health at play and keep anticipating something awful will land me in a coma or kill me but it never does. strange existence

Anonymous 113038

I hope they are able to find what is physically wrong with you. It's hard having chronic illness when ur a woman, even moreso when you don't know what the illness is

Anonymous 113040

I figure it's just that I'm adjusting to my psych meds, but something feels wrong with my digestive system or gut even across multiple meds. It's better than it was under the previous med which completely ruined my digestion but I'm still having a lot of terrible gas and stomach cramping. My scans for almost everything including Pap smear came back clean, the doctor just said my kidney was dry blood test wise which indicated maybe dehydration as I got my blood drawn early in the morning. I don't know if that could be a harbinger of something worse I just feel like my gut and stomach health is gradually worsening with no real explanation for it. It's bad because it hinders me from both enjoying food like I used to and functioning on a base level.

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Coma Anonymous 113025[Reply]

Is there a way to put myself into a coma? I'm too scared to die and if I kms, there are people who will follow me.

Anonymous 113026

Why do you want to die nona?

Anonymous 113027

I'm just so scared and full of regrets and scared that everyone will turn on me and I would like to not feel that way anymore.

Anonymous 113036


Delete your social media and run away, it'll hurt them less than you in a coma (which there isn't much of a way to self induce a coma without more likely killing yourself) and you're free to start over absolutely fresh. Including fresh to be alone if that's what you want right now.
If you're capable of working a job just pack some essentials, anything you would be sad never to see again and go. Write a short letter that you were at a mental breaking point and needed to go if you want to avoid them being overly confused. Ideally go to a relatively large city so you can hide among the crowds and if you can, try and secure a job before leaving

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